Chapter 32

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Katniss's P.O.V

I just got back to my district's floor. All I did was shoot around for my private session. Nothing entertaining.

I see Alyssa sitting in the sitting room. I go into the room and sit down in a chair. Alyssa looks at me and then looks away.

"Why are you here?" She asks me.

I look at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Why are you here in this room?  Why aren't you somewhere else?"

I look at her with shock. She is never like this. Never.

"When did you get that attitude of yours?" I ask. She looks at me with hatred in her eyes. What is going on?

"I'm leaving." Alyssa says. She gets up but I grab her wrist. She looks up at me. I realize that I am standing up. "Let me go!"

"Not until you answer my question." I demand. Alyssa groans and tries to get out of my grip. I just tighten the grip.

"Let me go!" She demands again. And again, I tighten my grip.

"Katniss!" I hear someone call. Peeta. He runs over and loosens my grip on Alyssa. She runs away from me and starts to cry. I hear her slam her bedroom door shut. "Matthew, go to your room."

I didn't know Matthew was even here. I see him walk to his room and quietly shuts his door. I look back at Peeta and he gives me a worried look.

"What is going on with you?" He demands.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with Alyssa and Matthew? They are the ones we need to be questioning." I quickly say.

"No, I think we need to talk." He says.

"Talk about what?"

"You." He simply says. I scoff and cross my arms.

"You're kidding, right? There is nothing wrong with me." I say. Peeta looks down at the floor. I widen my eyes when I realize something. He thinks there is something wrong with me.

"Let's sit down." He says, motioning to the chairs and couches. I sit down in a chair and he sits down on one of the couches.

"So what is wrong with me?"  I question him.

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