Chapter 81

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Camille's P.O.V

I continue to look at the horror that is in front of me. Then, a voice can be heard throughout the arena.

"Seven tributes. One of you will be the victor. And it could be any one of you. Fight each other to the death. Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor."

Someone screams. Then, I realize that it is me. This is really it. I can't believe it.

Then, someone runs out of the forest, stepping on some corpses, and heads toward the Cornucopia. It is a dark-skinned man. He climbs the Cornucopia and stands on top of it. He looks around the arena. "Come out and kill me!" He shouts. "I have nothing to live for!"

Then, someone walks towards the man. Then, I realize that it is Jem. "Okay, old man! Come on down!" He shouts to the man.

The man hops down the Cornucopia. He walks towards Jem. Is this guy serious? Does he actually want to die?

"Take your shot." I barely hear the man say. "Michelle is gone."

Michelle! I think to myself. This must be her husband. Now everything clicks. He lost his wife and kids. He lost everything. Everything near and dear to him.

Jem doesn't hesitate. He takes his sword and drives it through the guy's heart. A cannon fires, and he falls to the ground.

Then, an orange light shines down on the Cornucopia and its surroundings. Mood lighting. They really want to make things dramatic.

I find myself walking towards the Cornucopia. I don't know why, but I am walking. Jem looks over at me, and laughs. "Are you really going to take me down?" He asks, smirking.

Then, something lodges into his throat. His cannon fires. Then I realize that it was an arrow. I stop walking and look at the direction the arrow came from.

I see Katniss with her bow loaded with an arrow. I see Matthew right beside her. He is looking at me with a shocked look on his face. He hasn't seen me since the tracker jacker attack.

Katniss raises her bow and let's the arrow fly. I duck down as the arrow flies over my head. I turn around to see the arrow lodge in a tree. Either there was a tribute there, or she was aiming for me.

I look back at Katniss and see that she is looking frustrated. I'm think it was the latter.

I start to run towards the Cornucopia, silently saying sorry to all the bodies and body parts I am stepping on. Once I reach the Cornucopia, I begin to climb it. I hear footsteps get closer to me.

Once I am on top of the Cornucopia, I look around. I see that Emerald came out of hiding and is now by his son's side. Katniss and Matthew are running towards me. I notice that Johanna is casually walking towards us.

Emerald must hear the oncoming footsteps because he straightens up and takes out his sword. He charges towards Katniss and Matthew. Katniss stops running for a second. She looks at Emerald, then looks up at me. She turns her attention to Emerald, realizing she needs to take him down first. She runs towards him.

Matthew, on the other hand, comes to the Cornucopia and climbs it. For a second, my mind thinks that he is coming up here to kill me. But then I shake my head, reminding myself that he would never do that. Once he is close to the top, I help him up.

We stand on top of the Cornucopia, staring at each other. I hear fighting noises down below, but they seem to disappear as I continue to look at Matthew.

Matthew cups my face with his hands and kisses me with such passion. The people in the Capitol must be eating this up. We break away, staring into each other's eyes.

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