Chapter 82

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Katniss's P.O.V

I charge at Emerald. He is my current threat right now. Probably all emotional since I killed his son. I take an arrow out of its sheath and notch it to the bow. I met the arrow fly, seeing it stick to Emerald's arm.

He takes it out like it is no big deal. Blood drips down from the wound, but he doesn't seem to notice. He knocks me to the ground, punching me in the mouth. I taste blood.

I kick him in the knee, making him stagger a little. I get up as quickly as possible. Then, I notice that Jem's sword is still by him. If I can get it, I could stab Emerald. But the problem is, how will I get near Jem.

I start to run towards Jem, hoping I can get there in time. But Emerald isn't that stupid. He picks me up and throws me twelve feet. He picks up Jem's sword, now having two.

I quickly get up and start to run around, hoping to tire him out. He runs after me. Then, I hear a small grunt and a scream. I turn around to see Johanna has hit Emerald in the back with her axe. The axe is sticking to his back, blood quickly spreading throughout his shirt.

Emerald falls to the ground, still screaming. Then, he goes silent. His cannon fires. I see Johanna take her axe out of Emerald. She looks at me with a grim look.

"So here we are." Johanna says. "I don't want to do this."

"Too bad." I say. Then, I charge at her.

"Wait!" I hear someone say. I stop and turn around to see that Matthew and the she-devil is on the ground. It was the she-devil that stopped me. "There has to be a way that we can all win. You two have done it before."

"Yeah." Johanna says. "But that was a different president and gamemaker."

"But still." Camille says, pleadingly.

"You know what." I say, feeling my anger rise up to the surface. "There will only be one winner. And you won't be it."

I take out an arrow, notch it, and let the arrow fly. But before the arrow hits the target, something painful hits my back. I scream out in pain, and fall.

Before I let the darkness consume me, I see that my arrow has hit Camille in the heart. I smile and the darkness envelops me.

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