Chapter 60

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Annie's P.O.V

I wouldn't have ever thought that Finnick would die before me. If anything, I thought he would win. Now, he's gone. To make all matters worse, my daughter is trying to fight of the tracker jacker poison and I don't know where my son is.

I am sitting next to Camille's unconscious body. Nothing seems to be going on right now. Everything is calm. Too calm.

Then, a little bell noise sounds. The sound of a gift. A gift from a sponsor. I see the capsule floating down with a parachute to help it. I grab the capsule before it lands and open it up.

Inside, there is a needle with stiff in it. I look at the paper that is inside. I almost shout out in glee. It is medicine to help out Camille. I take her arm and stick the needle in. I push down the plunger, making sure every drop goes into her.

I probably should have saved some of this for Matthew and Katniss, but it is too late. It is all gone. Now, I have to wonder how much longer until Camille wakes up.

Then, the bell noise from the other night sounds. Johanna woke me up earlier than she said she would. It's okay though. I don't think I can sleep that much right now.

The bell noises stops and the lightning starts up. It strikes the one tree over and over again. Johanna sits up, looking around. She looks at me and gives me a grim smile. "I woke you up to early, I guess." She says.

"It's okay. I wouldn't have been able to sleep long anyway." I tell her. She nods her head, understanding.

"You want to talk about it?" She asks.

"Not really. I don't want to put you in a grim mood." I say.

She laughs harshly. "Grim? Put me in a grim mood? Please. I have been in a bad mood since I was picked in the Reaping. I don't think this will make my mood worse." She rambles.

"It's just that Finnick helped me stay sane. I haven't been right since my first games. He has helped me. Now, he's gone." My voice starts to crack, tears running down my face. "Camille is fighting of the poison and I don't know where Jet is. Why is this happening?"

Johanna puts a comforting arm around me. "Everything will be okay. Believe me. I know what you are going through. My own husband and kids are dead. I knew they weren't strong, so I already said goodbye to them. They weren't going to survive. I haven't moved on, but I don't really think about them." She says. "Does that make sense?"

"I guess." I say. I look at Camille. "Will she be alright? Will Matthew and Katniss be alright?"

"I would think so. All three of them are strong. The only thing I would be worried about is telling the bad news to Katniss. That her husband is now dead."

"Yeah. She lost her husband and daughter. She will not take that news well."

There is a rustling that is coming from behind us. We both look back. Johanna grabs her axe while I grab a knife. Though that will not help us. The other Careers are standing at the edge of the forest, weapons ready. That's not what shocks me though.

Jet is with them, ready to kill us.

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