Chapter 29

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Camille's P.O.V

My mom is showing off to the gamemakers. That means that I am next. Just great.

I ignore the conversations that are all around me. I just keep to myself. I know what I will show the gamemakers.

"Camille Odair."

I get up and start to walk away. Then, someone grabs my wrist. I turn around and see Jet.

"Don't try to do anything that may cost you your life in the games." He says.

I laugh a little. "I'm already about to die in there. Why not have fun in the process?"

Jet shakes his head while laughing. He lets go of me and I go in.

The gamemakers are watching my every move. Creeps. Time to show off my rebel side.

I grab a dummy from the combat station and set it down, front and center. I go over to the weapons station and grab a katana and a knife.

I set that stuff by the dummy. I go by the camouflage station and grab some red paint. I walk back over and start my work. Time to see if a rumor is true.

I use the red paint and draw a heart on the dummy where a human heart should be. Then, I grab the knife and stab the dummy where the heart is.

I look up to see of the gamemakers are looking, and they are. I set the knife down and grab my katana. I use my strength to cut off the dummy's head.

Finally, I use some more red paint and write a name on the dummy. I hear the gamemakers gasp at the name I wrote.

President Snow.

Then, I pick up the knife and throw it at the gamemakers. I hear screams and shouts of surprise.

"Is this true? Is this what happened to President Snow?" I roughly ask.

"You may leave, Ms. Odair." Says the Head gamemaker, Marcus.

"Is this true?" I ask again.

"Don't tell anyone about this private session." He says. I leave after he says this.

Once I enter the elevator and press my floor, I start to laugh. So it's true.

He never said it wasn't.

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