Chapter 30

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Finnick's P.O.V

"Finnick Odair."

I get up from my seat and get ready to show off. I walk in and instantly notice the fear in the air. I look up at the gamemakers and they look shaken up.

I walk over to the center and notice something on the floor. It's a dummy with the name "President Snow" on it. I Insight mentally. Camille.

I go over to the weapons station, grab a couple tridents, and go back to the center of the room. I steady my breathing and throw a trident. It lands bullseye on a target on the other side of the room.

I throw a few more times until I am dismissed. Before I leave, I take the dummy Camille's ruined and hid it by the camouflage station. Then, I walk over to the elevator.

Once I get in, I push my floor's button. I sigh when the doors slide closed. I can't believe Camille did that. What was she trying to prove?

I reach my floor soon after I think that. I walk out of the elevator and hear a conversation in the sitting room. I walk over and see Annie and Camille talking.

Annie looks up at me, jumps off the couch she was sitting on, and hugs me. I hug her back. "Our daughter did something bad." She says.

"I know." I simply say. I release Annie from my arms and walk over to Camille. She is looking at the floor. I sit down next to Camille. She doesn't look up. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I wanted to see if the rumor is true." She says.

"Why is the rumor that important? You just ruined a good chance at winning this Hunger Games."

"I was going to win anyway. There are tougher people here than me."

"That may be true, but you are strong too. Don't count yourself out."

"I already did." She looks me in the eyes. "I can't win again. Not after what happened last time. I can't go through that again. If I don't die in the arena, I will just come back to District 4 as a murderer. Maybe after a few weeks if I win this, I may even take a knife and plunge it to my heart."

She has started crying when she says the last part. I hold her in my arms. She cries for a little bit. Then, she pulls away.

She looks me in the eyes, but with curiosity. "I got my eyes from you, you know." She states.

"I know."

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