Chapter 7

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Haymitch's P.O.V

Damn it, Katniss! Why do you do this to me?

I am in my room on the train drinking some Schnapps. Why would she make me keep one of her kids alive? Barely kept her and Peeta alive!

I don't know how long I am in my room because Effie knocks on my door. "Haymitch! Time for dinner!" She exclaims.

I groan and go to the door. I am halfway to turning the knob when I stop. I got to inform the kids about the tributes. But when?

I open the door and start walking towards the dining car when I stop again. I can inform them during the Reaping highlights.

Finally, I get to the dining car. Everyone is there. I take a seat next to the little girl, Alyssa, and Effie. The little girl looks up at me and gives me a smile. Not a "I am happy on the outside, scared on the inside" smile. It's an actual smile. Like she is actually happy.

I turn my attention back on my plate. I got to remember to eat slowly. Rich type of foods aren't good if you eat it down fast.

I follow my strategy and listen to the conversation. Then, Alyssa has to start asking the questions. "How do we survive?" She asks.

I groan internally. This can't wait till tomorrow or something? I look over at Katniss and she is giving me "what did you expect" look.

"People think you only survive on knowledge about nature and being able to use a weapon. That is only part of it. You have to get sponsors. That is why most people win." I say. I look up at Katniss and Peeta when I say the last part. Katniss looks down at her food while Peeta continues to look at me.

"Hopefully you'll get sponsors. Getting sponsors saved my life and Katniss's." Peeta says. He looks at his daughter and gives her a smile. "You will get a bunch of sponsors. You know how to 'wow a crowd'".

Alyssa gives a giggle and continues to eat. I notice that Matthew hasn't said a thing since I got here. "What about you? Any questions?" I ask.

"Not really. I won't live long in the games anyway." He says.

"You don't have any special qualities?" I ask.

"He can throw a spear!" Alyssa exclaims.

"Throw a spear, eh?" I ask.

"He is the best spear thrower I have ever seen. And the only spear thrower I have ever seen." Alyssa says.

"I can throw a spear a little." Matthew says.

"Well, during your three days of training, throw some spears around and try to get some allies. That is the most important thing in the games. Especially in these particular games." I say. "What about you, Alyssa? Can you do anything?"

"I can use a bow and arrow. My mommy taught me how." She says.

"Like mother like daughter." I say. I see Katniss blush a little when I say this.

"Then, you will use a bow and arrow during training." I say.

"It is time to go in the sitting car and watch the Reaping highlights." Effie says.

We all get up and head towards the sitting room. Once we are there, we all sit down. Except for Alyssa who is laying on the floor, and me who is standing by the big TV.

"During the highlights, I will be telling you what are a threat or not." I explain. Then, the highlights begin to play.

"First up, District 1." I say. Then, someone calls up the family. And I happen to know them. "District 1 tributes. The older woman with the light blonde hair is Diamond. The older man next to her with dirty blonde hair is Emerald. The young girl in front of Diamond is Sparkle. And the boy next to her is Jem. Only Diamond and Emerald have won the Hunger Games. But knowing how they did, I bet the kids know a thing or two about fighting."

Then, District 2 is up. They call the family. "District 2. Let's just say that this family, I think, is stronger than District 1's family. The older woman with black, wavy hair is Caroline. The older man next to her with brown hair is Martin. The younger ones is Justin and Serena. Only the mom has won the games. No doubt about it that she has trained her husband and kids."

District 3 called up a family that I didn't know and could care less about them. Next up is District 4. They call up the family and I hear gasps coming from the chairs and couches. I look back at them and saw the shock on all of their faces.

"District 4. Some of us know them really well. The older man with sandy blonde hair is Finnick. The woman next to him with strawberry blonde hair is Annie. The boy next to Finnick with the brown hair is Jet. And the girl next to Jet is Camille. All four of them were in the games and won. But one of them you need to ally with."

"Who's that?" Katniss asks.

"Camille. A.K.A: the lethal killer."

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