Chapter 6

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Katniss's P.O.V

Six months later

"Come on, kids! We gotta get going!" I shout. Today is the Reaping and I don't want to be late.

My family and I know that we are in the games. We are the only family with a victor in it in District 12. Or shall I say victors.

"I'm here, Mom." Alyssa says.

"Same, Mom." Matthew says.

"Good. Peeta! We gotta go!" I shout.

"I am already ready." Peeta says. He comes out of the kitchen and walks towards me.

"Okay. Let's get going." I say. I open the front door and let the kids get in front of Peeta and me.

We all head towards the square and get checked in. Afterwards, we get escorted to a roped off area.

We wait for a long time. Finally, Effie Trinket comes onto the stage wearing all bright green clothing and makeup.

She looks at my family and me. She gives us a sad look before saying her usually. "Welcome, welcome! Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" She says.

"Let's get onto the Reaping." She goes to the only bowl on the stage and picks the only slip of paper. She unfolds it and looks heartbroken.

"And this year's tributes is the Mellark family." she announces. The family and I go up to the stage and stand in front of the crowd.

Then, peacekeepers come and take us to the train. There are no more final goodbyes. We don't know why.

Once we get on the train, we sit down on the chairs that are in the main train car. Effie comes in with sadness still in her eyes. Haymitch comes in right after her. He is going to be our mentor for this game.

"I am so sorry that this is happening. I wish this wouldn't happen." Effie says.

"And I wish that I had some type of alcohol in my hand, but we don't get everything we want." Haymitch says sourly. He walks over to the part of the car that has drinks.

"Ignore him. He is just cranky that he has to bebe mentor again." Effie says.

"I thought being a mentor would be fun." Alyssa says.

"It isn't. You have to try to keep the tributes from your district alive. But considering what district we come from, you basically set them up to die." Haymitch says.

"Haymitch!" I shout.

"It's true. Don't say it isn't. When was the last time that District 12 had a victor?" Haymitch asks coldly.

I stay silent after that. Peers and I were the last victors. And that was twenty five years ago.

"That's what I thought. I will be in my room. Let me know when dinner is ready." Haymitch says. He picks up a bottle of liquor and heads towards his room. But he won't get by that easily.

I get up off the chair that I was sitting in and go after Haymitch. I hear Peers asking what I am doing but I don't answer.

"Haymitch," I call out. I know he can hear me. He just ignores me.

"What do you want?" He asks sharply.

"If you stop walking away from me and turn around, I will tell you." I say.

He stops walking and turns around to face me. "What do you want?" He asks again.

"You need to help us." I say.

"You can help yourselves. You know what to do." He says.

"I know. But I want you to help the kids. They don't know what the hell is happening. Alyssa is scared out of her wits and I don't know how Matthew is feeling but he must be scared too. Just please help them." I say. "Make one of them come out alive. It's bad enough that only one of us comes out alive. Just make it one of my kids."

"There will be forty eight other people in the arena. What makes you think that I can just have one of your kids be the one who wins it all?" He asks.

"Because you have done it before. I know that you can do it again." I said. "Please. That's all I am asking for."

He thinks about it for a second. "I'll try. I won't be making any promises though."

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