Chapter 9

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I wake up to the sun shining in my face. I squint at the sudden brightness and slowly get up. I go to the dresser that is by my bed and pick out an outfit.

I pick out a pink dress and pink flats. I just love pink!

I hear a knock at the door, which causes me to jump in surprise. "Up, up, up! It's going to be a big, big, big day!" I hear Effie's voice come from outside my door.

I run to the door and quickly open it. She jumps when I open the door, probably because I opened it so soon. "Is breakfast ready?" I ask.

"Of course, darling." Effie says. "I got to wake up Haymitch and your family. Just head on down to the dining car and help yourself."

"Okay!" I say eagerly. I run down to the dining car. I almost run into a few people on my way to the dining car. They just look at me and carry on with their business.

Once I reach the dining car, I walk instead of run. I go to this huge table filled with all sorts of breakfast foods. Bacon, eggs, toasts, everything!

I grab a plate and fill it up with a couple pieces of toast, deviled eggs, and bacon. I grab a cup of orange juice and sit down at the table I ate at last night.

While I eat, I think about what happened yesterday. I don't see why the Hunger Games is bad thing. It looks like fun! Sure, people die in it. But they will die later on in life! Might as well get it done and over with.

The dining car door opens and my brother walks through. I wrinkle my nose at him and look down at my food. I don't hate him, but I don't like him. Make sense?

"Morning." Matthew says.

"Morning." I say as politely as possible. Just the sight of him and his voice bugs me the wrong way. Don't know why, but it does.

"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks. Why wouldn't I sleep well last night?

"Yeah. Why?" I ask.

"Just asking." He says. He puts food on a plate, grabs a drink, and sits down next to me. Does he have to sit next to me? Why can't he just sit across from me?

I continue to eat my food while more people start to pile in the dining car. My mom and dad come in soon after Matthew.

Conversation is all around the table. I don't listen because Mom and Dad say that listening in on conversations is rude.

Matthew is talking to Haymitch about I don't know what. Maybe about the games? Feeling to curious, I listen in on what they are talking about.

"So I don't go into the Cornucopia?" Matthew asks.

"Not unless you are fast. I don't know how the gamemakers are going to place you all. I have never seen forty eight tributes around the Cornucopia. But knowing the tributes, they will find a chance to kill you. You just got to stay away from them as possible."

"What if I get allies?" Matthew says.

"Then you better stay away from the Careers. Unless you are with the Careers. Just remember this: Don't trust anyone."

"Not even my family?"

"I wouldn't if I were you. They could turn on you."

"But my family is my family. They won't kill me."

"There have been family members going into the arena. Once that gong sounds, it is like everyone changes. They turn into bloodthirsty killers."

I stop listening to the conversation. It turned bad really fast. Then, all the light from the outside turned black. I look around and see Matthew do the same. Mom and Dad don't seem fazed by it.

Then, the sun comes back and lights up the train. But the scenery outside changed. There are people everywhere in bright clothing and bright hair.

"The Capitol!" I exclaim. I jump out of my seat and run to the window. The people are waving at me, so I wave back. I want to be polite and not seem stuck up.

"Yes, my darling. We are at the Capitol." Effie says.

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