Chapter 72

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Camille's P.O.V

I wake up on the ground. I quickly sit up and look around. I get dizzy from the sudden movement, but the dizziness subsides soon after. My katanas are right beside me, and so is my backpack.

Michelle is sleeping in her tent. I remember that she offered it to me, but I declined it. She brought me here to safety and gave me food. I don't know if I can stay here long.

I left my friends and brother because I was gonna have to later on. Just get it done and over with. So staying with another tribute was not something I had in mind. I think I will have to leave Michelle. I don't want to choose between killing her or myself if it came down to it.

Then, I see Michelle coming out of her tent. "Hello, dear. How are you this morning?" She asks me.

"I'm good." I say. I'm gonna hate telling her this. "I've got to go. I left my friends and family, for a reason of course. It's just that I don't want to kill anyone I know. Or anyone at all. If I stay with you, I'm afraid that it will come down to the two of us."

She nods her head, understanding. "Of course. I won't kill you unless it comes down to it. But for now, go."

I nod my head. Then, I hear rustling come from behind Michelle. Then, I notice something. "Get down!" I shout.

Michelle gets down right when I throw a knife at the thing that was moving. That thing being a tribute. But not just any tribute. Caroline.

Caroline falls to the ground, blooding pooling around her from the wound in her neck. Her cannon fires. The wound where the knife stuck. Michelle gasps in shock.

"She would have killed me." Michelle whispers. "Why didn't you let her kill me?!"

My eyes go wide with shock. "What?"

"You should of let her kill me! I don't want to be here anymore! I'm done! I give up!" Michelle rants.

"Michelle, you don't mean that." I say calmly.

"Of course I do. I know you won't kill me. So I want someone else to." She says. Then, she pleads to me. "Please, just kill me. I can't stand to live without my family."

My heart is torn between my options. Should I kill her or not?

"I can't." I whisper.

"If you aren't going to do it, then I will." She says. She takes the knife that was in Caroline's neck and positions it over her heart. "I'm gonna miss you, dear."

"Wait! Don't!" I say, starting to come at her, but it is too late. She stabs herself in the heart. I stop dead in my tracks, watching the life lead out of Michelle. Her cannon fires.

I look up at the sky. "Seriously?!" I shout at the sky. I take a deep breath and look down at the scene in front of me. I take all my stuff and walk away. I should of taken some of the food, but I don't want to be there another second.

A question pops into my head. Why was Caroline by herself? Or was Emerald and Jem there too? If Caroline was alone, what happened with her and the Careers? These are questions I don't think I will ever find the answer to.

Another question pops into my head. How many tributes are left? There were forty eight of us. I can't keep track of how many are still alive. That would be too hard.

Another cannon fires. The sound disturbs me. I hate that sound. I really do.

I find myself at the edge of the woods. I stare at the now deserted beach. Where are the others? Did they ever come back?

I walk towards the Cornucopia, not knowing where else to go. I feel trapped. There is nowhere to go. There is this beach and the forest. That's all.

I miss my home. My friends and family. If I win this Hunger Games, nothing will be the same.

I reach the Cornucopia and climb on top of it. I don't care of someone finds me. Let them.

There's nothing left for me.

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