Chapter 8

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Camille's P.O.V

Run! I follow my instincts and run. I don't know what I am running from, but I run. I am running through some forest. I avoid hitting the trees and avoid tripping over fallen tree branches.

And there it is. The Cornucopia! I run straight towards it. Once I get to the Cornucopia, I start to climb it. I use each ridge for a foothold and a place for my hands.

I finally reach the top. I get onto the flatter piece of the Cornucopia. I sit on my legs and look out to what I am running from. Then, I see it.

Or shall I say him. John.

He walks up to the Cornucopia, or shall I say limping, and he falls to the ground. "Kill me!" He shouts.

I find myself grabbing a knife from my belt and throw it at John's head.

I wake up screaming before I see the knife lodge in his head.

Then, I hear the train doors to my room slide open and close. Jet runs to my side and holds me. I cry into his shoulder and keep thinking about the nightmare.

"You're okay. You're not there. No one is dead." Jet says.

"That's the thing. I am not okay, I will be there soon, and someone is dead. John." I say, starting to cry when I say John.

"He was just your first crush." Jet says.

"You know he was more than that. We loved each other. When we both found out that we were both in the games, we thought we could pull a Katniss and Peeta. We could both live and go home together. But obviously that didn't happen." I say. "I just can't believe that I killed him. He should have killed me!"

"You haven't had that nightmare in a long time, have you?" Jet asks.

"Its been about a month. Why?" I ask.

"Its been two years. The healing process is almost done." Jet says, trying to sound positive. But I know better.

"You may be my older brother, but you can be an idiot sometimes. I am going back to the place where my nightmares all got started." I say.

"It took me about four years to forget about my games. And I am nineteen! And I was fourteen when I won my games." He says, slightly bragging.

"Just because I won my games at fifteen doesn't mean you have to brag. Just because I wasn't in the games at fourteen, that doesn't mean I am not tough. I am the bloodthirsty killer! And no one can take my title!" I say. I feel a lot better after saying this.

"I've been meaning to ask you. How can you fall in love at fifteen?" Jet asks.

"Because I can. Besides, everyone knew that John and I were meant to be together. We had a crush on each other since preschool." I say.

"Young love ruined by the Hunger Games." Jet says.

"Shut up." I say. "Anyone you or I may know that are in the games?"

"Selena and Sparkle." He says. "Mom and Dad know Peeta, Katniss, and Johanna."

"Wait. They're going to be in the games? Should I be worried?"

"If anything, everyone in the games should be worried about you."

I laugh at that. No doubt about it that people will want me as an ally.

"Well, I want to be in fair grounds. But I may ally with my family. But you better watch your back." I say teasingly. We both laugh at that.

"You may kill people without a second glance, but you won't kill me." He says. Then, he adds quietly. "Unless I ask for you to."

We both look at each other for a few seconds. Then, I give Jet a big hug.

"If you don't kill me, I won't kill you. I just hope someone else picks you off. Agree?" I ask.

"Agree." He says back.

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