Chapter 75

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Johanna's P.O.V

I watch a person with blonde hair run out of the Cornucopia and grab a backpack. Then, I realize that it is Camille. She's smart.

She leaves the other packs and runs away. Then, I see Jet run for the backpacks. I also see the guy who thinks he owns an area of the arena come out. He is carrying a spear. He throws the spear and it pierces through Jet's stomach. Jet falls to the ground, his cannon going off. Brutal.

Then, Camille turns around. Don't turn around. Head towards the forest! I think. She starts to run towards her brother. The guy who killed Jet turns around, hearing Camille.

Camille takes out one of her katanas. The guy takes the spear out of Jet and aims it towards her. He throws, but Camille dodges it. She pounces on the guy, but he throws her off him just as fast.

Camille gets up, going after him again. The guy had a knife out, and he slashes at her. Camille's arm took the hit. She backs away a little. I have to help her.

I run out of my position on the forest and run towards them. I grip my axe for dear life. The guy hears my approach and aims his knife at me. But I am only the distraction. He should have continued focusing on Camille. Like I said earlier, she is smart.

Camille takes the opportunity to stab the guy through the chest with her katana. Then guy starts to cough up blood. Then, he falls limp. Camille takes her katana out of the guy, panting. The guy's cannon goes off.

"Go." I tell her. She nods, and runs off in the direction she was heading originally. I focus my attention back on the backpacks. I see the pack with my name on it. I take it, and consider taking the others. There are twelve packs. Two of them are Jet's and the guy's. I take those two and run away. I hear other people start to run towards the Cornucopia, realizing the battle is over.

I run into the forest. Once I am far enough, I sit down on the forest floor. I rummage through the three backpacks. My backpack has weapons in it. I only had an axe before. Now, I have knives and one of those spile things.

In the guy's backpack, there was wire, scissors, nets, and plastic. What the hell is this?

Then, I look through Jet's backpack. I can feel my heart ripping into two because of what is in the pack. There is only one thing.

A photo of Jet and Camille.

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