Chapter 36

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Before this chapter begins, I want to let you know that this chapter will be the longest chapter in this book. Maybe. I still am deciding. This chapter focuses on the interviews. Like always, please vote, comment, and follow me here on Wattpad!


President Fire's P.O.V

I am in shock. My best friend is dead. He was a very good Head Gamemaker. 

"Sir?" Marcia says, trying to get my attention. I shake my head and focus my attention back on Marcia. We are at my office. "What are we going to do for the games? We have no Head Gamemaker."

"Easy. I have a plan for that." I tell her. 

She gives me a confused look. "How? You found out that Marcus had died yesterday." 

"That's all I need to figure out a plan." I say.

"What are you planning?" She asks me.

I look her in the eyes when I say this. "I will be the Head Gamemaker."


Annie's P.O.V

Should I be scared about the interviews? What should I say? How should I act? What if the audience doesn't like- ooooh, butterflies. What was I thinking about?

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. How come I have to die? I want to continue my life in District 4. I hear a knock on the bedroom door. Then, people enter the room. I exit the bathroom and see my prep team. "No, no, no! We need you to be in the bathroom." One of my prep team members tells me.

I head back to the bathroom, bracing myself for the pain to begin. But hey, beauty is pain.

(Time Lapse)

I am standing in front of a floor-length mirror. I am wearing a red floor-length dress that sparkles. I have spaghetti straps holding up the dress. I am wearing strappy, red heels. I hope I don't fall on my face. 

"You look gorgeous." I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around and see Camille standing there. 

"No. You look gorgeous." I compliment her. She blushes and looks down. She is wearing an ocean blue, knee length dress. It is all ruffled up on the skirt. It is a strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline. She is wearing blue heels. While my hair is just curled, hers is curled and put up in a curly bun. While my makeup is subtle, hers is striking. She has blue eye shadow on and her eyeliner curls up like wings. She has pink lip gloss on which is probably the only subtle makeup on her.

"Thanks." She says shyly. "We should get downstairs." 

We walk out of the room together and head towards the elevator. The boys are waiting for us. Unlike us girls, the boys are just wearing black slacks and a colored shirt. Jet's shirt is a lime green, while Finnick's is an orange. "You girls look fantastic." Finnick says.

"Thank you. You two don't look too bad either." I say. 

"We should get downstairs." Jet says. We all agree and get into the elevator. Camille and Jet are joking around while Finnick and I am staying silent. Our two kids sound like they are having an argument. It's not serious, luckily.

Once we arrive to the interviews' floor, we walk towards our little group. Katniss looks amazing. She is wearing a black dress with hints of red here and there. Her hair is up in a braided bun. Peeta is wearing a black shirt and slacks. Matthew is wearing a dark blue shirt with black slacks. Alyssa is wearing a pink dress that glitters just like mine. Her haired is curled up. Her outfit reminds me of a little doll a girl might have. 

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