Chapter 54

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Johanna's P.O.V

I grab my axe and start to head into the forest. Katniss, you can be so stupid sometimes.

"Wait." Annie says, stopping me from entering into the forest.

"What?" I ask.

"They need to get out of there. But they will be unconscious. The venom will be taking over them. You'll need help bringing them here. Plus, we need the hovercraft to take Alyssa's body." Annie says. She is rambling, so I interrupt her.

"I'll take care of it. If I need anything, I'll let you know." I say. With that, I enter the forest.

Luckily, the tracker jackers are gone. I make my way through the forest. There, I see Matthew on the ground. I step over him and see Katniss is also on the ground. Next to her, Alyssa's body.

I try to carry Katniss first because she is lighter than Matthew, but I can't. She is still to heavy for me to carry. I head back to the beach, hoping Annie is up for a little workout.

I see that she hasn't moved from her position. She is carefully taking the stingers out of her daughter's skin. Camille is covered in bumps. It is not a pretty sights.

"Annie, I need your help." I say. Annie immediately got up and is right by side before I know it.

"Let's go." She says. Together, we walk back to Matthew and Katniss.

Annie and I carry Katniss first. I her legs while Annie grabs her arms. We carry Katniss like this all the way to the beach. We set her down and go back to get Matthew.

He is a lot heavier, he is very muscular, but we get him on the beach as well. Annie goes back to Camille's side, taking out stingers.

"Can you take out the stingers from these two, too?" I ask.

"Of course. You want to get started? Might save us some time." She says.

"I don't know how."

"Just pull them out. It doesn't take a genius to do this."

I sigh and kneel down next to Katniss. I start with her left hand.

I am halfway finished with Katniss's stings when Annie goes over to Matthew's body. I wonder how she is holding up. She is crazy, as we all know. Her daughter is unconscious and covered in disgustingly big bumps. Who the hell knows where her son is? Probably dead, considering everyone is dying like crazy.

Once Annie and I finish taking the stingers out of the three, we both know we have to do something about those bumps. There are leaves that can get rid of the bumps. Apparently, Annie knew about this. She goes to the edge of the forest and chops some of those leaves. I didn't seem them there.

She comes back with a huge amount. She puts some in her mouth, chews them, then puts those leaves onto one of Matthew's bumps. I follow her lead.

It takes a while, but we finish. Annie take Camille's water bottle and takes a drink out of it. She hands the bottle to me, and I graciously take it. I am so thirsty right now.

"What are we gonna do now?" Annie asks me, breaking the silence that has consumed us.

"We keep watch. Make sure no one is gonna come near us. And we wait for these three to wake up." I say.

"Okay." She says. "Do we have enough food?"

"We should." I say. I don't bother checking. Everyone has to have something in their packs.

Annie and I just sit on the beach, waiting for anyone or anything to come at us.

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