Chapter 84

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President Fire's P.O.V

Success! The girl is dead! And that boy from District 12 won. District 12 has another winner. Then, the doors burst open with peacekeepers flooding in.

"President Fire, you are under arrest for manipulating the games." A peacekeeper says.

"What? I did not." I say. I have to lie. What would people think if they found out? "You don't have proof."

"Yes, they do." I hear a familiar, female voice say. Marcia. "They have all of these gamemakers and me as proof."

"You can come quietly or roughly." The same peacekeeper says.

"Like hell I will go with you!" I shout.

The peacekeeper snaps and two other peacekeepers come after me. I punch one of the in the mouth, since that is the only part of their face that isn't covered by the helmet.

The peacekeepers grab hold of each of my arms. I struggle and get one arm free. I start to punch a peacekeeper.

"Shoot him!" I hear someone say. Then, I hear a big bang and a burning pain hits my chest. I fall to the ground, blood soaking my shirt. I look up and see the Marcia has a gun out. She shot me.

She walks over to me and kneels down. "I told you that I hated to do this. And this." She says, looking at the gun. " I also want to say, we're through."

She gets up. "Marcia Brown, you are under arrest from attempted murder." The peacekeeper who told me that I am arrested says.

"Take me away." She happily says. The put handcuffs in her, taking her out of the room.

I see black spots dance around my vision. I hear voices all around me.

Then, the darkness pulls me under.

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