Chapter 68

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Jet's P.O.V

How did I get stuck carrying Matthew? I am running in the woods, Johanna running beside me. She is carrying Katniss.

After running for a couple minutes, Johanna suddenly stops running. "I need to catch my breath." She says, trying to catch her breath.

"Okay." I gasp, out of breath. I out down Matthew and lean against a tree. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's your sister that you should be worried about." She says.

"I know. And I am." I say.

I look around. It is too dark to really see how the forest looks. All I can see as the trees, shadowed by the night. I hear a noise that is very close to me. Like it is right in front of me.

"Whoa!" Johanna shouts. She jumps up from where she is sitting. "Wait. Katniss?"

A dark shadow, Katniss, slowly gets up. Then, another movement. Matthew. They are finally getting up.

"What's going on? Where am I?" Katniss croaks out. She needs water badly.

"We are running away from wolves. We are in the arena. But specifically, the forest. Any other questions?" Johanna ask snarkily.

"Where's Camille?" Matthew asks.

"Saving are asses. What do you think?" Johanna says with sass.

"Let's get back on the beach." Katniss says.

"Okay. Then, we can all get torn apart and eaten!" Johanna says.

"Johanna, are you okay?" I ask.

"Like I said earlier. I am fine." She says.

An orange, small light forms to the right of me. "What's that?" Katniss asks.

"I don't know." Johanna says.

The light begins to grow. And grow. And grow. Then, we all came to the same realization. It's a fire. A forest fire.

"I think I'm ready to run again." Johanna says.

"I'm not ready to run." Katniss argues.

"Well, you are gonna run or you are gonna die. Your choice." Johanna says.

"Let's go." Matthew says, standing up. "I want to live."

"Smart boy. If only your mother was just as smart." Johanna says. Then, she starts running. Matthew follows after. I stay with Katniss, not wanting to leave her behind.

"Come on. We got to get out of here." I say.

"No. I want to stay right here." She says. "You go."

I run, not wanting to stay any longer. She is very stubborn. I catch up to Johanna and Matthew and notice the big wall of fire. It is still growing. How?

We keep running away from the fire. Then, we hear a loud crash. We all turn around and see a tree has burst into flames. But how? The wall of fire isn't even near where we are. Not yet anyway.

Then, another crash sounds. It came from ahead of us. Another tree caught on fire.

Then, something comes our way. "Jet, look out!" Johanna says. I get shoved out of the way just when this ball of fire hits the tree that is only five feet away from me.

It was Matthew who shoved me out of the way. "You alright?" He asks me.

"Yeah. We gotta get out of here." I say. I help Matthew up. Johanna Matthew, and I start to run again.

We are still running when a cannon fires. All I can think about is Katniss staying behind. I think the others are thinking the same thing. Maybe, maybe not.

Finally, we reach the beach. Everything looks the same. Except that Camille isn't here. All of our stuff is still here. Except for Camille's. I don't believe it.

She left us.

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