Chapter 49

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Camille's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of a cannon. People are just dying left and right in this arena. I look over at my mom. She is fiddling with her fingers, muttering something over her breath.

My mom kinda went crazy in her Hunger Games. And she still is a little.

"There's no way to escape. No way. No how." My mom mutters. I would go over to her and see if she is okay, but my dad has always told me to leave her be. Plus, Alyssa has her head on my shoulder so I don't want to move.

Another cannon shot fires. What is going on in this arena? People are dropping like flies! Which isn't a good thing, unless you are here in the Hunger Games.

My mom jumped a little when she heard the second cannon shot. Then, she suddenly got up. She walks out of the Cornucopia, just staying near the mouth of it. I continue to watch her, to make sure that nothing bad will happen.

I thought she would come right back in the Cornucopia, but she didn't. She sits down right where she was standing and stays there. I tear my gaze from my mom to Alyssa. She is sleeping peacefully right now. I wish she was my little sister. She feels like one to me right now.

My mom says something that I couldn't quite understand. "Mom. What did you say?" I whisper to her.

She turns her head towards me, frightened. "There are people. Right on the beach. What should we do?" She tells me.

What should we do? I was hoping we didn't have to deal with trouble until the sun rises. We have to stay hidden. There is no other way unless we want to die. "Mom, get back in here. We can't do anything until the sun rises." I whisper to my mom.

She nods her head and comes back into the Cornucopia. The only thing we have to worry about is if the tributes on the beach saw Mom. God I hope not.

The night should be coming to an end soon. Unless the gamemakers want the night to never end. The sunlight has never sounded so good before. The thirst for bloodlust is starting to form in the pit of my stomach. That's not good. If I was any other person.

My eyes have started to close. I force them back open. Stop it, Camille! You can't fall asleep. What of the tributes on the beach come here to the Cornucopia? I think to myself. But my eyes seem to have a mind of their own. Before I know it, darkness is all around me, welcoming me into a dark embrace.

I wake up to see a bright light. The sun! The sun is up!

I quickly get up onto my feet, forgetting that Alyssa was sleeping on me. Except she wasn't on me when I woke up. I look around, trying to find Alyssa and my mom, but couldn't find them.

"Where could they have gone?" I say to myself. I notice that their stuff is still here. Then, I start to worry. The tributes on the beach from last night.

I immediately grab my katanas and put on my knife belt. I run out of the Cornucopia, blinded by the bright light. Once my eyes have adjusted to the light, I look around for Alyssa and Mom.

I see them on the left side of the beach. I walk towards them, relief filling me. Once I get closer to them, I notice that they are talking to people.

"I just can't believe that you are okay." I hear a woman's voice say.

"Mom? What's going on?" I ask. My mom turns around with a huge smile on her face.

"It was the group. They were the tributes on the beach." She says happily.

The group? I look at the "group" and see the people my mom and dad were suppose to be with. Katniss, Johanna, and Matthew.

I smile a big smile. "Hey, everyone." I say.

"Camille." Matthew says. Right when he says my name, I run straight to him, giving him the biggest embrace I have ever given.

We pull away slightly, just enough for his lips to come down onto mine.

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