Chapter 31

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Camille's P.O.V

I smile when I hear my father say that. Then, I hear the elevator ding. Jet comes into the sitting room and looks at Dad and me. I smile sheepishly and start to get up from the couch. I start to walk out of the room when Jet grabs my wrist. Again.

"What's wrong?" He asks quietly. I must have red eyes from crying.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I reply. And with that, I to my room. I close my bedroom door and flop down on the bed. I am going to miss my father holding me when I am sad. And my mom talking to me about girl things. And Jet when I just want to have some fun.

I get up from the bed and walk into my bathroom. I look in the mirror and notice that my eyes are a little red. I turn on the faucet and splash my face with some cold water. I pat dry my face and look in the mirror again. Not much of an improvement.

I need some fresh air. That should relax my mind.

I walk out of my bedroom and go straight for the elevator. I walk in and press the floor for the rooftop. This has work in the past and it will work now. Once the elevator doors slide close, I can already feel myself relax a little. Just a little.

Once the doors open again, I am taken back at the beauty of the rooftop garden. I walk towards a bench and sit down. I take a deep breath of the flower scented air and smile. I look around and take in details of my surroundings.

Lilies, lilacs, buttercups, and paisleys are all over the place. There are mums placed here and there along with some hibiscus flowers. My favorite of all flowers. There is a huge area dedicated to roses of all colors that you can imagine.

Placed all throughout the garden are benches and pathways. There are no trees up here, but there are a few bushes. I see ladybugs and butterflies flying all over the place. How have they not come into the other floors. People must come up here to relax.

I look up at the sky. I can tell that there is a force field covering the garden from the outside. It is a sunny day out with not a cloud in the sky. I position myself on the bench where my body lays down on it.

I don't know how long I stay like this when I here the elevator ding. I look over at it and see the Careers come out of it. I just wanted some peace. So much for clearing my head.

"Well, look who's here." I here Jem say. I had already closed my eyes. I open them again and see the group here. Jem, Sparkle, Justin, and Serena.

"I just wanted to relax." I simply say.

"And so do we." Serena says. I move my legs off the bench for Serena to sit. Out of all the Careers, she is the one I hate the least. "Since we're all here, lets talk strategy."

I hear Sparkle and Justin groan. Justin plops down on the ground while Sparkle sits next to me on the bench. Jem just stands there with his arms crossed.

"We have to." Jem says. "Tonight depends on who we kill first."

"No, it doesn't. Scores don't matter. Well, they shouldn't anyway." Sparkle tells her brother.

"We need to know who we think is a threat or not. Does anyone have any information about the other tributes?" Jem asks. He looks at me when he says that last part.

"District 12, the woman from District 7, and my family are staying together in the games." I tell them.

"Nice work, Cam." Serena compliments me. I secretly loathe myself for saying that. But it won't matter. They were going to find out anyway.

"Okay. Depending on how good at combat they are, we will kill them later. For now, lets just kill who we think is a threat or not." Jem says.

"What about the Cornucopia?" Justin asks.

"What about it?" Jem questions back.

"We are going to it, are we?" Justin asks. Jem laughs a harsh laugh.

"Of course. Why are you an idiot?" Jem asks. Justin looks down. I feel so sorry for him. Him and Jem never get along.

"When should we split up when most of the tributes have died?" Sparkle asks.

"When I say we can." Jem simply says. Ugh, he irritates me so much.

"I am going to go." I say. I get up and walk over to the elevator.

"Why are you leaving? Going to see your new boyfriend?" Jem asks teasingly.

"He is not my boyfriend. And I am not going to see him. I actually want to spend some time with my family before I go to the place where I am to die." I explain.

"I am going too." Serena says. I am already in the elevator. I keep the doors open for Serena to come in. I let the doors close once she is in. I press my floor's button and hers. "Thanks."

"No problem." I say.

"I want to tell you something." She says.

"Go ahead." I say.

"I am going to kill them. I am not really in the alliance. I just did this to kill them quicker. But I won't kill you." She admits.

"No way! I was going to do the same thing. The exact same thing." I tell her. She gives me a big hug and I hug her back.

"Lets have a real alliance. But lets make sure that we don't have to kill the other." She says.

"Deal." I say.

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