Chapter 38

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Katniss's P.O.V

I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Peeta. "We got to go." He says grimly.

I sigh and get up. "What am I wearing? Did my stylist say?"

"It is right here on the bed." Peeta says. "I'll leave you to get ready. Just hurry please."

"Okay." I say. Once Peeta closes the bedroom door, I get dressed as fast as I can. Today is the day. My fate.

Once I am dressed and have clean teeth and bearable hair, I head to the elevator. My whole family is waiting for me. Alyssa looks excited, Matthew won't look at me, and Peeta looks sad. Today is gonna be a bad day.

Without saying a word, we all pile into the elevator. I oush the rooftop button, like I am suppose to. Once on the rooftop, two peacekeepers are waiting for us. We follow them through the garden. Finally, the garden transforms into a landing pad for a hovercraft. A hovercraft is on it, waiting for us to get on.

I have Alyssa go first. She skips to the ladder and then freezes when she puts a foot on it. One of the peacekeepers that escorted us puts a tracker in her arm. Then, she is pulled up into the hovercraft. The same thing happens to the rest of us tributes. When I get my tracker, I can feel the sting in my arm. It goes away as soon as it came.

I sit down in a seat and feel myself lift off. The hovercraft flies easily in the air. People offer me food. I only eat a couple slices of bread. That's all my stomach can take. I see Matthew not eating a single thing. "Matthew, eat something." I command.

"Not hungry." He says, not looking me in the eyes.

"Then at least drink some water." I say. He sighs and drinks some water. He doesn't say another word. Alyssa is talking a peacekeeper. She is asking him questions about being a peacekeeper. At least she isn't that nervous. On the outside, at least.

I sit in my seat quietly, waiting for the hovercraft to take me to my doom.


I am escorted into a room here in the catacombs. Once inside my room, I notice that it is very plain looking. One couch, one chair, a table, and the tube that takes me to the arena. Everything in here is gray. Even the furniture.  

The door opens and Cat walks in. She is my stylist. "I got to hurry. I have to help Alyssa into her outfit as well." Cat says. I forgot that she is also Alyssa's stylist.

"Okay. What am I wearing?" I ask.

"This." She simply says. It is black tight pants, a black long-sleeved t-shirt, black combat boots, and a black and red jacket. Once I put on the outfit, I look like someone who is mourning. But in hunting clothing. Charming.

"What's with all the black?" I ask.

"I don't know. The jacket is light, but I don't get the long-sleeved shirt." She admits. "I have got to go. You will be fine on your own, right?"

"I have been here two times. I know what to do."

"Okay. Good luck up there." And with that, Cat leaves the chamber. I sit down on the couch and take the bottled water that was on the table. I need as much water as I can get. I hope Haymitch will keep his promise about letting one of the kids win.

I don't know how long I sit. "All tributes must get in their tubes now." A pleasant, female voice says. I get up from the couch and walk over to the tube. I take a deep breath and walk in. The tube closes all the way and I wait. I wait for my death.

I jump a little when I feel the tube go up. It turns dark for a few seconds. Then, a bright light blinds me. I squint my eyes and try to adjust. I feel this cool wind hit me. Once my eyes adjusts, I silently gasp.

It's the arena from the 75th Hunger Games.

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