Chapter 5

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President Fire's P.O.V

I stand there and wait till the signal comes. I see the signal, which means that the cameras are off, and go back into the Capitol Building.

Once I enter the doors, I see my assistant, Marcia, come towards me. "Wonderful speech, sir. It was short, but sweet." She says.

We walk together towards my office. "Now, you have a meeting with Marcus. He wants to talk to you about the Games and how they should be." She says.

Marcus is the Head Gamemaker. Ever since his father, Plutarch Heavensbee, was found dead three years ago, his son took over. And let's just say that these past three years have been the best games, I think.

"He is waiting in there, sir." Marcia says. We have arrived at my office. The two guards that are by the double doors open them. I step inside my office and see Marcus looking at something. He turns around and smiles at me.

"Long time, no see." He says. We grew up together. We both are thirty eight years old.

"Hello, Marcus. How are the games coming along?" I ask.

"That's what I wanted to talk about. I need some ideas to make this year's Hunger Games the best one yet. And one that won't be forgotten." He says. I sit down in my chair while Marcus sits down across from me.

"You think that having victors and their families come fight to the death is something that will be forgotten?" I ask.

"No. That is just one thing people will remember about the games. I want them to remember everything. The reaping, the parade, the training scores, the interviews, the arena, and who wins."

"I see. I get what you mean now. We have to make this game a living nightmare."

"And I got a good idea. What were the most popular games in the Hunger Games history?"

"Let me look and see." I say. I open one of the cabinets that is attached to my desk and look for the Hunger Games stats. Once I find them, I take them out if the cabinet and set them on my desk.

"Here you go." I say. I give Marcus the papers and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"I just wanted you to say what were the most popular." He says.

I laugh. "You expect me to read all of this? Your the Head Gamemaker. You read it."

"Fine. Looks like I got some more things to do." He says.

I laugh again. "Busy work is good work. Also, I want to know the most popular games in three days."

"You're kidding, right?" He asks. He looks at me and his eyes go wide. "You're serious?"

"You think I would lie about something like this?" I say, sounding offended.

"No, sir. I will tell you in three days." Marcus says. "I better take off and get reading. I got a lot of it."

"Goodbye, Marcus." I say. He is halfway through the doors when I say, "Wait a second."

He turns around and looks at me.

"Tell Marcia to come here."

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