Chapter 15

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Camille's P.O.V

I just have to ignore everyone. That's all. And I don't want to.

I look ahead once the chariot starts to move. I make sure that I don't have an expression on my face. I see people cheering my name. So my games was something that wont be forgotten.

All I can think about is Matthew. His brown hair and gray eyes. He is also very muscular. That's a plus.

Finally, what has felt like thirty minutes, the chariot stops in front of the balcony where President Fire is. What a stupid name. President Fire.

Once all the chariots stop, the president makes a speech. I don't listen, I just look at the other chariots.

The kids of each district are in one chariot and the parents are in the other. Typical. I see Matthew on the far right. I quickly look away. I don't want to be a stalker or something.

The president finishes his speech. I didn't listen to a single word. The chariots go into the Training Center. I get of the chariot before it stops.

I straighten my outfit, which is too skimpy for me, and I look around again. I see the Careers talking and then I see Matthew getting of his chariot. He is talking to his little sister.

I head towards Matthew. His sister walks away, leaving me with Matthew. Thank you, little girl!

"Hi," I say shyly.

"Hey." He says back.

"I like your costume." I say.

"Thanks. Yours looks pretty good too." He says. Is he actually saying that or is it that he wants my body? Either way is fine by me. It won't be the first time.

"Eh. My stylist is really idiotic. Thinks that style should expose skin. Then again, he is a guy. What do you expect?" I say, rabbling. Why am I talking so much? Is this what it is like to be nervous?

"Not all guys are like that. Most are but not all." He says.

"Yeah. All the guys I know are like that." I say. Even my own brother is like that.

"I am not like that." He says.

"Good. But I wouldn't care if you were a perv." I say. All my guy friends are.

"Okay. Are you going to go with the Careers?" He asks.

"Yeah. But don't expect the alliance to last long." I say, winking at him. I can flirt all I want. I am about to die soon. "Come with me."

I walk over to a section of the room where no one is near us. I turn around and find myself kissing Matthew. What the hell!? He breaks away and looks down. He kissed me! He kissed me? He kissed me!

"I am sorry. I don't know what came over me." He says. After he says this, I kiss him. Now, it is his turn to be surprised. Or maybe he was surprised that he kissed me. Whatever! I break away and can feel my cheeks heat up.

"I am sorry. I don't know what came over me." I say, repeating what he told me. He smiles at me and I smile back. What the hell is happening? I can fall in love.

But I want to so bad.

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