Chapter 61

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Johanna's P.O.V

This is not good. The other Careers have found us. And to add to the horror, Annie's son is with them. What the hell?

"Stay where you are. Or we will kill you slower." One of them says. It came from the one boy that ditched Camille and the other three Careers. Jem was his name.

"What do you want?" I ask while standing up. One of the Careers is about to throw his spear. He is the guy from District 2. Martin, if I remember correctly. "Hey! I am just standing up!"

"Put down the axe!" Martin yells.

"Like hell I will!" I shout back.

"Let me at her." The woman from District 1, Diamond, says.

"You can have the crazy chick over there, babe." Her husband, Emerald, says.

"Fine." She says sadly.

"What do we do with the three bodies?" The girl from District 2, Caroline, asks.

"We kill them too." Emerald says. I can tell who the leader of this group is.

"Let's get this over with." Martin says. He walks over to where I am standing when Jem shouts.

"Hey! Watch out!" He shouts. But it is too late. A knife is thrown right at his throat. A cannon goes off and Martin falls to the ground. Everyone, including me, looks around to see who threw the knife. We all look at one person who was suppose to be fighting the tracker jacker poison. Camille.

"Ah!" Diamond shouts, startled.

"Stay away from us." Camille croaks out. Diamond and Caroline start to back up. Jem and Emerald stay where they are. Jet is still staying away from us, watching the whole thing unfold.

"We aren't afraid of you." Jem tells Camille. I would be if she wasn't trying to keep her balance. How is she even up? It takes at least two days to heal up.

"You should be." Camille says. It seems like she is healing up while we speak.

"Screw this. Let's just kill them." Emerald says. And with that, he charges toward us, along with Jem. Diamond and Caroline start to join in as well. Jet stays where he has been since the beginning of this confrontation.

Emerald reaches me first. He has a sword and starts to swing at me. I duck down and swing my axe at his legs. It cuts him, but doesn't take his legs off. Sadly.

He grunts and swings at me with his sword again. This time, he cuts my shoulder. I scream out in pain, but continue on.

A scream fills the air, then a cannon fires. I look around and see Diamond on the ground, bleeding out. Camille had stabbed her with a katana.

Emerald took this opportunity to knock me to the ground. I struggle to break free, but he is pinning me to the ground. He takes a knife from his belt and tries to stab me in the head. I continue to struggle free, so he doesn't get a good shot at stabbing me.

Then, something hits him in the head. Or shall I say someone. Annie kicked Emerald in the head. Emerald release his hold in me and falls to the side of me. I immediately get up and run away from him.

I notice that Jet is by Matthew and Katniss. I run over towards him, holding my axe. "I'm not gonna kill them!" He shouts to me.

I knock him to the ground. "I don't believe you." I hiss at him.

"I'm not actually with them! I just wanted to make sure they never came near you guys!"

"Well, you failed at that, didn't you?"

"Not on purpose. Please. I won't hurt you or anyone of your allies."

I slowly get off him and help him stand up. I point at him and say, "I will be watching you."

Then, I walk away and see who needs to be fought. Jem, Caroline, and Emerald are retreating. Annie starts to clap and cheer. Camille looks like she is going to pass out.

Jet looks at his sister too and notices the same thing. He runs to her side, making sure she won't fall. He sits her down, asking her if she is okay.

"Why were you with them? Why didn't you stay with Mom?" I hear Camille ask her brother. She still sounds terrible, so I grab the bottle full of water.

I walk over to where Jet and Camille are and notice that they are arguing. "I did it to protect you."

"Yeah right. You couldn't have known where I was. Unless you were following me. Where you?"

"No, I wasn't. But I saw you guys earlier. I'm gonna guess that Johanna was on watch when I saw you guys."

"You were the person I saw during my watch?" I say, interrupting them. I hand Camille the water and she gulps the rest down. There wasn't much left of it.

"Yeah. I thought that was you." Jet says.

"Camille, how are you awake?" I ask suddenly. She looks at me with confusion all over her face.

"How I'm awake? Don't you usually wake up after a tracker jacker attack?" She asks.

"You were in an attack?" Jet asks.

I ignore him. "Even all of your bumps are gone. Matthew's and Katniss's are still there. What's going on?"

"I can explain." Annie says from behind me. "I got a gift from a sponsor. It was a medicine for tracker jacker poison. I was gonna use it for Matthew and Katniss also, but I had already used it all when I came to the realization."

I nod, trying to find words. Out of the three, I wanted Camille to wake up first. She is the strongest out of the three. Out of everyone is the arena!

"I'll take first watch since I have slept the longest." Camille suggests.

"Fine with that." I say.

"It's your decision." Annie says.

"I also have had enough sleep. I stay up with you." Jet says. I can tell that Camille doesn't like that, but doesn't say anything.

I lay down and instantly fall asleep.

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