Chapter 57

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Before this chapter begins, I would like to say that these next three chapters are gonna be about the tracker jacker induced dreams of Katniss, Matthew, and Camille. Hope you enjoy it!

Camille's P.O.V

A haze. That's how much I remember the tracker jacker attack. The hallucinations were so bad. Luckily, I passed out before I had to experience more. But the weird thing is, I'm not in the arena. I'm at home.

I am sitting on my bed, staring at nothing in particular. Once I adjust to it all, I get up and open my bedroom door. The door that usually leads me out to a hallway leads me on a beach. The beach that is by my house.

I haven't been here in forever. The last time have was before the Reaping of my first Hunger Games. John was with me. We were talking and laughing. We were a couple by then, always around each other.

As if the world wants to be make me scream, John appears by the waves. I know it's him. I can just tell.

I walk over to him. He is wearing the Reaping outfit that he wore the day we both would enter in the Games. The day when everything in the world became dark and sinister.

"Another Reaping. Another two, poor souls entering to their deaths. But unlike some districts, we can actually win this." He says, sensing my presence.

"How are you here?" I ask.

He turns around and pulls me into his arms. "I walked here from my house." He says, looking at me like I grew a third eye.

"You are suppose to be dead. I threw a knife at your head." I say.

He laughs. What the hell? Why is he laughing. "You must have a weird imagination."

"It's not my imagination. It's true." I argue.

"Come on. We gotta go sign in. Let's see who is gonna get Reaped. I bet it is gonna be..."

Everything fades away into a very bright white room. I look down and see that I am strapped into a chair. I pull at the restraints, but they don't loosen up.

I look back up and see a mirror that is the length of the wall in front of me. That wasn't there earlier. I looked around and see that all of the walls are now mirrors. What is going on?

Then, I see movement come from in front of me. I turn and see me in the mirror. The movement I just saw was probably me looking at the other walls.

In the reflection, I see me in the chair. And the restraints are gone. I look down and can't believe my eyes. I get up and walk over to the mirror in front of me. This is weird.

Then, a door suddenly opens to the right of me. I jump, not expecting that. I cautiously walk over towards it. I exit the mirror room and find myself at the Reaping. The Reaping where John and I will be taken to the Capital to fight to the death.

I hear my name get called. People murmur and gasp. And I see me. The other me walks up there, confidence all over my face. I was trained to do this. But in the end of all this, it wouldn't have been worth it.

Then, I hear John's name get called. He walks up there confidently too. This really surprised the crowd. A good portion of it knows about John and me being a couple.

Then, the scenery changes again. I am now standing on top of the Cornucopia. I see the boy I ruthlessly killed. His intestines spilling out of him.

And I see John limping his way towards me. "Kill me! Kill me before she does!" He shouts to me.

I shake my head. I can't do this! "I can't do this." I whisper. Knowing that he didn't hear me say that, I raise my voice. "I can't kill you. I'm sorry."

John gives me a pleading look before the girl tribute from District 1 stabs a knife into his neck. Once again, the scenery changes.

I am back in the mirror room, but this time it is different. The mirror walls are still here. I don't see the door. But the images in each mirror isn't of me standing in the middle of this room. It is of each event I just experienced.

To my left, I see me standing next to John on the beach. I am in his arms. But it is like a photograph. Nothing or no one is moving. In front of me, I see the Reaping. John and I are standing on the stage, both of us looking brave. Just like the last image, nothing is moving. To my right, I see myself standing on the Cornucopia, looking at a pleading John. I see the girl running towards John. But like the other two images, this one is not moving.

And behind me, it's me in this room. It's me right now. She is looking at me with this wicked look on her face. She is just standing there, looking at me.

"You caused this." The image says. I jump, started that the image talked.

"Caused what?" I tentatively ask.

"Caused your life to be a mess." Another voice, a voice that was mine, says.

I turn towards the source, and it came from the me in the beach image. She got out of John's arms and walks towards me.

"You could have let John win the Games." Another voice that was mine says.

Turning towards the source, I see it came from the me from the Reaping. Like the me on the beach, she is coming towards me. "How?" I ask.

"By killing the girl with a throw of a knife. Then, you could have stabbed yourself." Another voice says.

It came from the me on the Cornucopia. She is jumping off the Cornucopia and starting to come at like the the other two.

"All of your suffering could have ended then. But you were greedy enough to take your lover's life." The me that is in the mirror room image says.

"Now, you'll pay." All four of them said at the same time. They all are close to me in their mirrors. Then, they each come out of their mirrors and walk towards me.

Then, everything is gone. I am in a big, black space. Nothing.


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