Chapter 66

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President Fire's P.O.V

"The mother is dead, sir." A gamemaker says.

"I can see that. Why isn't the boy dead?" I ask. "I trusted you all to kill him! What went wrong?"

"His mother shoved him out of the way. There was nothing we could do."

I Insight and run a hand through my hair. "I need a drink." I say.

"Already on it." I hear a voice say while opening the door. It's Serena.

"Is that bourbon?" I ask, already knowing that it is.

"You know it is." She says, handing me the glass. "So your plan backfired."

"Don't remind me. But I will kill that boy off."

"I bet you will." She says. "If you need anything, just let me know."

"Wait. Are you leaving?" I ask.

"Yeah. I got a ton of paper work to deal with." She says. "I will talk to you later."

She winks at me, then leaves the room. I turn back to the screens and watch the games unfold.

These games are becoming too bad to watch. Let's heat things up.

If you know what I mean.

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