Chapter 65

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Jet's P.O.V

I see my little sister's world come crashing down. To find out her father as dead, and now her mother, all on the same day. I feel sorry for her.

She slowly shakes her head. "No. She can't be. She can't be dead! I didn't hear her cannon go off." She says, clinging on to any hope of her mother being alive.

"The cannon probably went of during the earthquake. When we couldn't hear it." I say. I wish I didn't have to say any of this.

Camille still is trying to grasp on to any excuse for our mom to be alive. "The earthquake started to lose strength right after the tree fell. The noise started to diminish. I would have heard the cannon! So would you! She is still alive!" She says. She is started lose it.

I grab her by her shoulders and shake her a couple times. "Mom is dead. There is nothing we can do. You know this." I tell her.

She breaks away from my grasp. "You're wrong! And you know it!" She yells. She runs away from me. She runs towards the Cornucopia.

"Camille!" I call out to her. I start to go after her when I hear Johanna voice.

"Don't even bother. She won't listen to you."

I turn around and see that Johanna is talking to me. "What do you mean?"

"She's in shock. Don't worry though. She'll get it through her head soon."

I look over at Katniss and Matthew. "Are they okay?"

She nods her head. "Yeah. They should wake up tomorrow maybe."

I nod my head. I walk back over to the tree. I can't move it. It is too heavy. How is the hovercraft going to take the body?

"We got to get away from this area for a couple minutes." Johanna says from behind me.

I turn around and see her standing a few feet behind me. I nod. "Okay."

We walk away from the area, leaving Matthew and Katniss there. They won't bother with the body. Once Johanna and I are a fair distance away, we see the hovercraft go over the body. The claw-like thing comes down and picks up the branch. It sets it down, beside my mom's crushed, bloodied body. Then, the hovercraft takes my mom's body. Next thing I know, it is gone.

"She died saving me." I quietly say.

"That's how she wanted to die." Johanna says.

"What?" I ask, turning to face Johanna.

"Before the earthquake, she talked about how she told the news to Camille." She begins. She didn't have to say what news it was. The news about my father. "She said that she would rather die protecting her children than by the hands of a tribute. She died the way she wanted. Let's just be happy about that. If this is something to be happy about."

We walk back over to out little camp. I look around, trying to find Camille, and spot her sitting on top of the Cornucopia.

I sit down by the water, thinking about home. About District 4. But nothing will be the same if I happen to win the games. None of my family will be alive.

Winning the games is not worth it.

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