Chapter 17

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Katniss's P.O.V

"I just hope he goes with the plan." I tell Peeta. I told him what I told Haymitch on the train ride here about letting one of our kids win.

"He will let one of the kids live." Peeta reassures me. He kisses me on top of my head and heads towards the bathroom. I am in bed, laying on a few pillows. Just enough to where I am sitting upright.

"Who do you think he will let live?" I ask Peeta. He is brushing his teeth. He spits out the toothpaste and washes his mouth.

"I don't know. Who do you think he will pick?" He asks when he comes back into the bedroom.

"I don't know. Which one do you want to win?" I ask.

"Which one do you want to win?" He asks me.

"I asked you first." I say. Peeta slips into the bed. I move over towards him and lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me. This reminds me of our first Hunger Games.

"I think I would like Alyssa to win. She is young and hasn't really lived. So hasn't Matthew, but still." Peeta admits.

"I think I would choose Alyssa as well." I say. "I don't want anyone to die."

"Me neither. But you can't change that." He says.

"I thought I did. In our last games. I thought if I blew up that forcefield, everything would be okay. Instead, it has gotten worse." I say.

"Not really. But I see what you mean." He says. "Just don't think about the games. Think about what will come soon. Like tomorrow. We have allies, but we need more. There will be forty eight people. Eight of them are allied to us. Do you think we need more?"

I think about it. Forty eight is a lot of people. But at the same time, I don't want to trust anymore people. You don't know who to trust anymore.

"I don't know. I am just afraid that the allies we have now will turn on us. I'm afraid that I will turn on us. Things happen in the games. I just don't want to change." I say.

"Yeah. I am nervous about Finnick's daughter, Camille, though." He admits.

"Really? She looks really sweet."

"And deadly. She is choosing the Careers over her parents. She says that she won't kill us. But what if she has to? What if she has to kill her own family? I think she would do it if she had to. She did to that one boy from her district. And they were basically in love."

I forgot about that. I remember that Hunger Games too well. I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was the final four. The feast had just happened and no one was killed. Camille and her lover were hunting. The other two, District 1 tributes, were camping out by the Cornucopia.

Camille wanted to kill them. "We got to kill them both. But we should split up before doing so." She says.

"Why?" The boy, John, says. "Why do we need to split up?"

"So I don't have to kill you. Hopefully, I will die before you do. And if I don't die, I hope I won't have to choose between killing you or myself."

"You will kill me if it is just us. Let's hope that that won't happen."

She nods her head. "I am going to go. Be careful." She says.

"You too." He says.

Camille walks off towards the Cornucopia while John wanders around. Camille reaches the edge of the forest floor, the arena is half forest and half desert.

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