Chapter 73

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President Fire's P.O.V

I watch the monitors. The gamemakers are working. I want these games to end. Sure the ratings have been the best, but still. All things must come to an end.

It has almost been a week. These games can go on for two or three weeks. But I know what will end things quicker. A feast.

"Let's have the Feast." I say.

"Are you sure, sir?" A gamemaker asks.

"I'm positive." I say. "Marcia, get each of the tribute's sponsors and get the gifts. Put them each into a backpack and bring them back here."

Marcia, who is on my right, nods her head. "Yes, sir."

Marcia hurries out of the room. I focus my attention on all of the gamemakers in the room. They are all working, surprisingly. I never said they work hard. I just say that they work. I don't think they are trying.

They should if they want to live.

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