Chapter 44

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Camille's P.O.V

"Blood!" I shout. Serena touches her head, tastes the blood, and gasps.

"Blood!" She shouts in agreement. We start to run, but not in time for the downpour.

The blood makes the night even darker. It keeps getting into my eyes. I clamp my mouth shut so no blood can come in. I run into trees, not knowing where I am going. Hell, I could be going in circles!

I feel my way around the forest, making sure trees don't slow me down. But that may be impossible because I am as blind as a bat and as slow as a snail right now.

I hear gagging come from behind. Serena. "Don't-" I start to say but blood fills my mouth. I start to gag too. I spit out the blood, but more blood comes in.

I feel Serena's hands on my shoulders. How did she find me? I turn around and she falls to the ground. A cannon fires. I scream, or try to, and more blood gets in my mouth. I quickly move away and try to get out of this mess.

I trip over a tree root and fall down. I try to get up, but the ground is so slick. Finally, I give up. Let the blood rain take me. I don't care.

It stops. The blood rain. It stops. I wipe my eyes and open them. Nothing. Everything is wet, but the blood stopped. Thank God.

I slowly get up and look around. It looks like a normal rain shower took place. But I know what actually did.

Serena. She is dead. Died from the blood rain. Not how I imagined she would die. I always thought she would die in combat. I guess not.

I walk a few feet, but fall down down to the ground. I cover my eyes and let myself cry.

I cry for Serena. I cry for Sparkle and Justin. I cry for John. For my parents and brother. For all of the people I have killed. This is the one time I have ever let all my feelings out.

And it feels good.

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