Chapter 71

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Matthew's P.O.V

Camille is gone. We don't know where she is. There are footprints in the sand, so we follow them. They lead into the forest. We walk a little, but with little success. We take down a couple of animals and take a huge risk by lighting a fire. We cook the meat and immediately take it out once the meat is cooked. We eat in silence.

I am convinced that the cannon that fired during the fire was my mom's. I'm not happy, but I'm not about to go on an emotional rampage.

"We should get back to the beach. Camille could be anywhere by now. Plus, I don't trust this forest." Johanna says.

"Agree." Jet says. We start to head back to the beach, when we hear shouting.

"What are you doing here?!"

We all turn around and notice a big, buff guy with glasses. "We were just looking for my sister." Jet says.

"Was she the black-haired woman who wanted to take food from my area?!" He yells at Jet.

"Your area?! What, you have a lease on the area or something?!" Johanna yells back.

The guy looks like he is about to explode with anger. "I have been in this area since the very beginning. This is mine!" He shouts. "And about your sister. Was she the blonde girl with a sword in her hand? She had another one on her back."

"That's her. That's my sister. Where did she go?" Jet asks.

"How the hell would I know? The black lady and your sister ran away!" He shouts. I think that is rude that he called the lady that.

"Okay. We are gonna leave now." I say calmly.

"Oh no, you don't! You entered my area! Time to pay up!" He shouts.

"We won't enter here again!" Jet shouts back.

"Time's up!" He shouts. He comes charging at us.

"Time to go!" Johanna says. We all start running for the beach. The guy keeps running for us, and he is closing the distance.

I run as hard as I can, which is taking its toll on me. I just woke up from tracker jacker poison. The last thing I want to do is run away from some psycho.

We get on the beach and start running towards the Cornucopia. We are halfway to the Cornucopia when we notice that the shouting is gone. And there are no running footsteps coming towards us. I stop and look behind us.

The guy is not chasing us. Unless he is hiding and waiting to attack again. Or try to.

"Why isn't he chasing us still?" Johanna asks.

"I guess he has to protect 'his' area." Jet says. I nod my head in agreement. It is the only explanation that seems logical. Or so I think.

"So we know that Camille is with some lady. Camille better not trust her. In these games, you can't trust anyone." Jet says.

"So we can't trust each other?" Johanna asks skeptically.

"I don't even think we can trust each other. Soon, we all will have to split up and hope that someone else kills us before we have to." Jet explains.

He's got a point. Then, I think of something. "Could that be why Camille left? Because we all will have to later?" I ask.

"Maybe. But why leave when we are running for a lives from wolves and fire?" Jet asks.

"So she wouldn't have more guilt in leaving us, maybe? I don't know." I say. "It's just an idea."

"I think Camille would do something like this. I really do." Johanna says. "But, if she think it's time to split up, should we?"

We all are quiet. We haven't thought of this. Or maybe they have. I was knocked out for most of these games so far. "I think that's a good idea. We will have to do so later. Why not now?" Jet says.

"Okay." Johanna says. "I guess, I'll see you later."

Johanna walks back into the forest. That just leaves Jet and me. "I'll see you later then." I say.

"Yeah." Jet says. But before he leaves, he adds. "If you see my sister, tell her that I love her. I don't know when I'll see her again."

"I don't know when I'll see her again either. But if I do, I will." I say.

"Okay. See ya later." Jet says.

"See ya." I say. Jet continues to walk towards the Cornucopia.

I walk back into the forest.

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