Chapter 10

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I feel like someone is burning me with an iron. My prep team is taking care of all the hair of my body. They are getting rid of all hair except the hair on my head.

I have been waxed, shaved, and plucked. What next? After what felt like three hours, they take me to a comfy looking room. Plush chairs and couches and a rectangular shaped table in the center. One wall is made entirely out of glass. The rest of the walls are colored a soft orange.

I go to one of the couches and sit down. I play with the little, soft rope that keeps my robe from exposing me too much.

Then, the door opens. I look to see who came in. It was a girl. She had pink hair and a lot of pink makeup. I love her already.

"My name is Cat and I will be your stylist for the games." She says. I love cats! So I love her name.

"My name is Alyssa. I love your hair and makeup!" I say.

She laughs and sits down on the couch from across of me. "Thank you. I wanted to talk to you about the Opening Ceremonies."

"What am I going to wear?" I ask eagerly.

"Whoa. Someone is excited." She says jokingly.

"I just have always loved the Hunger Games. I am probably the only person from the districts who does." I explain.

"You got districts 1, 2, and 4. They love the Hunger Games." Cat says.

"That's true." I admit.

"Anyways, I have come up with a pretty cool thing for you to wear. I got the inspiration from the best stylist the games have ever seen." She says.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Cinna. He was a stylist for District 12. He had his tributes wear fire." Cat explains.

"Wear fire!? Is that even possible?" I ask.

"Yes. It was a synthetic flame, though. That way, you can't get hurt."

"Cool! I will be wearing fire?!" I ask excitedly.

"Yes, you will. And I think that it will go down in the best looks in the Hunger Games history."

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