Chapter 85

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Matthew's P.O.V

I heal up, I go through my interview, and I go home. Once I am in District 12's train station, the whole district is inside. Well, not the whole district. People congratulate me, some give me sad smiles, some people tell ne that they are sorry for my loss.

After an hour in the station, I arrive back home. All of my family's stuff is still here. I don't think I will ever get rid of it. I can't bring myself to even think about it.

I go to Alyssa's room. I remember all the times she told me to get out. Now, I would do anything to hear her voice again. I go to my parents' room and I can almost imagine them being in here. Finally, I go to my room. It is still the same.

I head into the kitchen and remember all of the arguments my sister and I have had in here. I look over sink, cabinets, tea kettle. Then, my eyes land on the knives. Memories from the arena come back.

I grab a knife and examine it. It is just a chef's knife. I see my reflection on the blade. I find myself pointing the knife down, both of my hands on the handle. Am I really going to do this?

I think back to the games. Camille fills my thoughts. She is gone. And I don't think I can live without her. I have been with other girls before. But none of them can be compared to Camille. She was the one.

I raise the knife up. I'm coming, Camille. I shove the knife through my throat.

I fall to the ground, black spots quickly taking over my vision. I think one last thought before the darkness takes over.

I'm on my way.

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