Chapter 26

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Jet's P.O.V

Today is going to be more tiring than yesterday. I am pushing myself to learn more things than yesterday. I also want to improve on my skill of throwing a trident. I am just like my dad.

I just got done with hand-to-hand combat when I see my sister with the District 12 boy. I hate to say it, but I don't like that she likes him. I don't see how Mom and Dad thinks that this is okay. I guess they want her to be as happy as can be.

Camille is teaching Matthew different techniques on how to throw a knife. You'd be surprised on how many techniques there are.

I find my parents talking to Katniss, Peeta, and Johanna. Katniss and Peeta's daughter, Alyssa, is practice her archery skills. Not bad.

Then, I see the Careers. They are laughing and talking. I hate them so much. But technically, I am also a Career. But I am not stuck-up like they are.

One of them walks over to Camille. Camille doesn't look happy at that. I decide to leave them alone and see where the conversation takes them. From the looks of it, it doesn't seem bad. I walk over there to make sure that she is alright.

"Just tomorrow. We need to discuss our strategy." The Career says.

"Jem, if I train with you tomorrow, will you leave me alone now?" Camille asks impatiently.

"Yes." Jem simply says. And with that, Jem walks away.

"Looks like you got yourself some trouble." I say. Camille turns around and smiles at me. And that smile is not an actual smile. It's more of an annoyed smile.

"Yeah. I just want him to leave me alone." She says.

"Can't get what you wish for." I simply say. Camille rolls her eyes.

"Okay, Matthew. Let's continue our techniques." She says. She teaches Matthew some more techniques. She is a good teacher, it looks like.

I practice my knife throwing and am impressed at my aim. And then, it's time for lunch. We all go to the dining area and eat. I eat with my parents and their friends. Camille and Matthew sit together by themselves again.

I try to follow the conversation at my table but get distracted by an argument coming from the Careers' table. It sounds like something stupid.

But is must be really serious. Jem gets up from the table and punches one of the other Careers, Justin, in the nose. Justin gets up and punches Jem in the jaw. Then, a whole fight breaks out of those two.

Two other Careers have to break those two up. They separate Jem and Justin and make sure that they are not near each other.

I go back to what is happening at my table. They were looking at the fight, I think everyone in the room was. It got silent really quick here. That's when a noise goes off, saying lunch is over.

I get up and go back to weapons training.

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