Chapter 56

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Johanna's P.O.V

It is almost time to see the dead's images. All of the fallen tributes. I already know that three Career tributes are dead, thanks to Camille. Alyssa is dead. So that means four people are dead. Although, I did hear a couple of cannons fire last night. Maybe at three or four o'clock.

Annie is by Camille, making sure she is okay. My family is already dead. Husband and kids. But hey, what are you going to do?

I hear a cannon fire. Then, a hovercraft appears on the opposite side of the arena. It picks up a body and leaves.

A couple minutes after that tribute's death, the anthem plays. Then, the faces of the tribute's who died from the last showing to now appear in the sky.

First up is Sparkle. Then, Justin and Serena. The next face is totally unexpected. It's Finnick. I hear Annie gasp when she sees his face. Next up is some tribute from District 5. That was the one who probably died just now. Or the night before. Then, Alyssa's face appears in the night sky. I'm gonna miss her. And then another face appears. Peeta's. Damn. I'm glad Katniss isn't up.

The anthem ends and I hear sniffling. I look at Annie and she is silently crying. The love of her life is gone. Gone so soon in the games.

"I'll take first watch. You get some sleep." I tell Annie. I see her nod in the fading light. The moon is out, giving the arena a cool glow. She lays down next to Camille and instantly falls asleep.

I'll wake her up at one or two o'clock. If I can tell when it is that time.

Halfway through my watch, I spot a dark figure that is on the opposite side of the arena. My hand instantly goes to my axe.

The dark figure seems to be looking around. Then, the figure spots where I am. It turns around and runs back into the forest. Who was that?

Finally, my watch is done. Or so I think. I wake Annie up and she gladly takes the next watch. I lay down and instantly fall asleep.

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