Chapter 39

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Camille's P.O.V

Sixty seconds. That's all I need. Sixty seconds to see who my first target will be. Like ten feet to my right is Serena. I look at her and she looks at me. We both nod at each other and I continue to scan the other tributes. Ten feet to my left is someone I don't know. How did all forty eight tributes fit around the Cornucopia? That's impressive on the gamemakers' part.

I can tell that my sixty seconds is almost up. I position myself to run. I see my katanas in the Cornucopia. That's mine. And no one will take it from me.

The gong sounds, and I run straight for it. Some people have to swim to the Cornucopia. Luckily, I just get to run. I am the first one to reach the Cornucopia. I quickly grab a holster that can fit two blades on my back and shove the two katana blades into them. I quickly grab a belt of knives and put it on. I grab a backpack and turn around to see someone coming after me. I throw a knife and it hits him in the chest. 

I quickly get out of the Cornucopia and start to climb it. I scale it in about seven seconds. I stand up and look at the scene that is around me. People are getting weapons in the Cornucopia. Dead bodies are all around, laying in pools of blood. 

I see Serena taking her knife out of a boy she just killed. Lovely. I look around and see Jem cutting off someone's arm. Then, I see Matthew. Sweet, cute Matthew stabbing a person with a knife. Once the games begin, no one is the same. Even little Alyssa has a few knives in her hand. She throws one and it lands in a girl's head. Alyssa just killed someone. I love her already.

I throw a knife at a woman's head. She falls to the ground with wide eyes. Disturbing, but funny. 

"Can I join you?" I hear a voice say behind me. I quickly turn around and see Serena standing there.

"I don't care. Unless you are going to stab me in the back." I say. 

"I won't. Have seen any of our 'allies?'" She asks me. 

"I saw Jem. I haven't seen Sparkle or Justin." I say. "Let's find them and chase everyone off. I want this Hunger Games to last a while. I don't need everyone dying on the first day."

"Agreed. Plus, I want are plan to work."

"Agreed." I get down from the Cornucopia and wait for Serena. She comes down just right after me. We run away from the Cornucopia, just enough for us to see the other tributes hacking each other off. We see Justin struggling from an older man. "I got it."

I throw a knife and it lands right in the guy's forehead. Blood starts to drip down from the wound. The guy falls to the ground. Justin turns around and smiles at us. "Thanks. I thought he was gonna kill me for a second there."

"No problem. We gotta find Sparkle and Jem. They could be anywhere." I say. After that, we run around the Cornucopia, scaring away the tributes while finding Jem and Sparkle. I saw Katniss protecting Alyssa from oncoming tributes. I didn't know Katniss could be a mother. She doesn't seem like it considering what she said about me dating her son. But then again, she is the mother bear.

Finally, we find Sparkle. "There you guys are. Have you seen my brother?" Sparkle asks.

"We were just going to ask you that." Serena says.

"Let's get out of here. Jem can find us. Maybe." Justin says. We all run away from the Cornucopia. We head into the woods and continue to run. We don't sprint, but we run. While we are running, I notice how weird this forest is. There are trees that you find in a regular forest. Then, you have the trees that you find in a rain forest. Luckily, I know what trees are what. 

"Let's take a break." Sparkle suggests. 

We stop running and take a break. "We need water." I say.

"Yeah. Where can we find some?" Justin says. 

"Wait! My backpack!" I exclaim. "I haven't been through it. Maybe there is some water in here."

"Well, open it!" Sparkle exclaims. I take off my backpack and open it up. 

"Let's see. A blanket, matches, iodine, wire, five knives, an extra jacket, and a water bottle." I say. It feels really light. I open it up and feel my heart stop. No a single drop of water. "Couldn't the gamemakers put some water in this?!"

"Nothing?" Justin asks.

"Not a single drop." I say. "What are we gonna do? I haven't seen a single pool of water. Have you guys?" 

"Nothing. And we have been running for a long time now." Serena says. 

"Let's keep moving." Justin suggests. We all get up and walk. There is no need to run anymore. 

The Hunger Games has really begun.

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