Chapter 67

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Camille's P.O.V

I sit on top of the Cornucopia, wondering what else the gamemaker can ruin for me. They already killed my parents. What next? My brother? Matthew?

I continue to stare at everything, but nothing. I don't know how to describe it. I'm looking at everything, but I am just not focusing on a particular area. I'm easy prey right now. Somebody could kill me with a throw of a knife or stab me from behind. Sadly, I wouldn't mind. This world is already going to hell.

I don't know how long I stay on the Cornucopia. It is sunset by the time I finally come down. I walk over to where Johanna and Jet are. Matthew and Katniss are still unconscious.

"You need some water?" Johanna asks me.

"Yeah." I say. The only water I swallowed was the salt water all around the Cornucopia. And that is not healthy to drink.

Johanna tosses the water bottle that we have been storing water in. I catch it and take a drink. Jet keeps staring at me. This is creepy.

I toss the water bottle back to Johanna, which she catches. I sit down where I was standing. I don't want to be by Jet. I just don't. Would you want to be around your brother after he told you that your mother is dead? Or any parent or family member?

I lay down and stare up at the sky. The sky continues to grow darker, making the arena that much scarier. Once the sun goes down, Panem's anthem blares throughout the arena.

My mother's face shows up first. Then, someone from District 6. Finally, a person from District 10. Only three people. That's still too many.

I listen to the cicadas and crickets, their voices filling the arena. Then, another noise fills the arena. This noise quiets the cicadas and crickets. It's a growling noise.

"Wolves!" Johanna shouts. I sit up and look around, seeing where the wolves are. Finally, I see them. They are coming out of the Cornucopia. How the hell did they get in there?

The wolves are creeping towards us. I stand up. "Don't make any sudden moves." Johanna says from behind me.

"Didn't plan on it." I say.

The wolves continue to walk towards us. I start to slowly walk backwards, away from the wolves. Then, out of nowhere, the wolves start to run at us.

"Run!" I scream.

"Katniss and Matthew!" Johanna shouts. Johanna carries Katniss, while Jet carries Matthew.

"I'll hold them off!" I shout.

"Be careful!" Jet shouts.

I take out my two katanas that were in there holsters and start to battle the wolves. They are pretty easy to take down. Or maybe I am just that good.

But the thing is, they just kept coming. It's like there was an unlimited supply of wolves. I begin to feel really tired after I stab the fifteenth wolf. Is there an end to this?

Like the arena can read my mind, the wolves begin to retreat. They head back into the Cornucopia. Curiosity filling me, I run after them.

I watch the last wolf run into the Cornucopia as I am just ten, fifteen feet away. I cautiously walk towards the Cornucopia and peer inside. Nothing. Nothing is there.

I walk in the Cornucopia and don't see any sign that wolves have entered and exited here. This is really weird.

I step out of the Cornucopia, paranoid that the wolves may come out and bite my face off. I want to go look for Johanna and Matthew. They entered the forest, carrying Matthew and Katniss. I hope the four of them are alright.

Then, a cannon fires.

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