Chapter 74

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Camille's P.O.V

It is almost night. The sun is going down, and the moon is coming up. The stars are starting to come out too.

I am inside the Cornucopia right now. Soon, they anthem will play and I will see the tributes that died today. Although, I know three of them. I don't know who the fourth person who died is. I will soon.

I don't know who long I stay where I am. But it is long enough that the anthem starts to play. I get up and walk out of the Cornucopia. I left my head to the sky and watch the fallen tributes be shown.

Caroline is the first. District 2 is out of the games now. I know that. Next, is a woman from District 3. That must have been the woman that that crazy man killed. The man that thinks he owns a certain area. Next, was a person from District 9. That was the tribute that I didn't know. Finally, Michelle's face shows up in the sky. I'm gonna miss her.

The anthem ends. I go back inside the Cornucopia when a voice is heard throughout the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Congratulations on making it this far! Tomorrow morning, there will be a feast. Each of you needs something. It may not be food, but it may keep you sane. The feast happens when the first ray of sunlight shines in the arena. Be prepared. Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

A feast! And I am in a good position. I'm inside the Cornucopia. The feast happens just right outside! This is perfect! And once I get my thing or things, I can just run to the forest and hide out.

If I want to succeed in this, I should get some rest. Then, all of the what if questions start to fill my head. What if someone kills me while I am sleeping? What if someone kills me while I am running to the forest? What if someone takes my pack?

That last question just ticks me off. I will get my pack. I am the closest tribute to the feast. I could take the other tributes' things. But I won't. I don't need to get into anymore trouble.

I lay down and force myself to sleep.

I wake up, gasping. I had a nightmare. I dreamed about the dream I experienced when the tracker jacker venom coursed through my body.

It takes a while before my mind remembers something. The feast! The feast will start soon.

I gather my stuff, getting ready for the feast. No doubt, other tributes are at the edges of the forest. It's kinda creepy.

I stay hidden inside the Cornucopia. I am starving. I didn't eat yesterday, which is a huge mistake. I don't want to die of starvation.

I am alert. I watch the sky slowly get brighter. And I mean slowly. I could go mad from the wait. I am not a patient person.

Then, something bright lights up the sky. A ray of sun. Then, the ground shakes. I hold onto my legs, eyes wide. This brings back memories from the earthquake here.

Waves start to build up, splashing everywhere. Some of the water gets into the Cornucopia, getting me wet. Finally, everything goes still. And on a long table, there are backpacks. One for each tribute.

I don't see if anyone is coming, I just run for my pack. I look at the backpacks quickly and see my name on one of them. I take it and run towards the forest.

I am halfway towards the forest when I hear a cannon go off. I stop and turn around. I see someone on the ground that I didn't expect to see.


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