Chapter 3

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Peeta's P.O.V

I love the smell of baking bread in the morning. What I don't like is my two kids arguing.

"Get away from me, Matthew!"

"I was here first. You came near me!"

"Dad! Matthew won't stay away from me!"

I sigh and find my kids near the dough station.

"I want both of you to stop your arguing and start working. Can you two please do that?" I ask.

"I can if he stays away from me." Alyssa says.

"Fine. Matthew, go to the frosting station." I order. Matthew heads towards the frosting station without a complaint.

That's when I hear a commotion outside. I look out of one of the big windows in the front of the bakery. That's when I see two peacekeepers leading, or shall I say dragging, a person to the center of the square. And I get a front seat to see it all.

Then, the two peacekeepers drop the person onto the ground. That's when I recognize the person. Greasy Sae.

Greasy Sae use to work at a black market that got burned to the ground. She now cleans and cooks for families for a living.

I see the fear in her eyes. I wonder what she had done to deserve this.

The firing squad shows up soon after. She's going to die? I'm glad Katniss's isn't here right now. She would try to stop the shooting like she stopped the whipping for Gale.

I hear the oven start to beep. "Matthew, take the cakes out of the oven!" I order. I hear someone open the oven door and remove the cake.

I return my attention to what is going on in front of me. The firing squad are in position to fire. I see the two peacekeepers who brought Greasy Sae to the square tie her up to a wooden beam.

She doesn't do anything to try to escape. She just stays where she is.

"On my mark!" I hear someone say. I look around to see who said that, but couldn't find who owns the voice.

"One!" The same voice shouts. Greasy Sae stays still while the firing squad gets ready to fire.

"Two!" I can feel my heart pounding. I wonder how Greasy Sae is really feeling under all that calmness.

"Three! Fire!" The voice shouts. Then, all I can hear is gunshots. Since I am inside, the noise is muffled. Next thing I know the gunshots have stopped.

There lies Greasy Sae in a pool of blood. I can't help but feel sad. I may not have known her, but Katniss did. Katniss. How am I am I going to tell her?

"What was that?" I hear Alyssa's voice come from behind me. I turn around and see her standing behind me.

"Nothing you need to know." I say while taking her back into the kitchen.

"For your information, I am ten years old." Alyssa states.

"I just don't want something to scare you. And this might just do the trick." I say.

Once Alyssa is back to her station, I go back to the window. Peacekeepers are taking Greasy Sae's body and cleaning up the blood.

"What happened?" Says a voice behind me. I turn around and see Matthew standing behind me.

"If I tell you, please don't tell your sister. I don't want her to get scared or something." I say.

"I won't tell her." Matthew says. And I can trust him. He is sixteen years old and keeps promises very well. So well that Katniss and Alyssa don't know a few things about Matthew and me.

"The firing squad killed someone. Greasy Sae." I tell him. He knows Greasy Sae because he sometimes helped her out. He gets really pale after I tell him.

"Do you know why she had to die?" He asks.

"I don't know. But I hope it won't happen to anyone else." I say.

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