Chapter 50

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Katniss's P.O.V

When I see that witch hug my Matthew, I wanted to choke the life out of her. When I saw those two kiss, I wanted to stab her to death. She doesn't deserve my boy.

Those two break apart, not aware that the rest of us are just watching them. Johanna keeps looking at me and then to Matthew and her. She has that wicked smile on her face. Annie just looks at everything but them. Maybe she agrees with me about them not being right for each other.

Finally, the two look at the rest of us. Camille the Lethal Killer starts to blush with all of the attention. I don't know why she would be embarrass of all this attention. I would have thought she would be use to it.

"We should stay together. Unless Ms. Pucker Lips is still with the Careers." Johanna says. Camille blushes again when Johanna calls her Ms. Pucker Lips.

"I'm not with the Careers anymore. I actually killed two of them last night." She says. She betrayed them? I'll give her credit. That takes guts.

"I thought there were five of you." Johanna says.

"There was. Serena died due to this freak blood rain storm and I haven't seen Jem the whole time I have been in this arena." Camille explains.

"Wait a second. Did you say blood rain?" Johanna says, fear written all over her face. Johanna faced the blood rain during the 75th Hunger Games. She has to be thinking about that.

"Yeah. Why?" Camille asks.

"Just sounds like what I faced during my last Hunger Games. Speaking of that Hunger Games, does it seem like this is it? This is the 75th Hunger Games?" Johanna says.

"Yeah, it does. The lightning and the blood rain. Not to mention whatever chased us last night. That had to be from the 75th." I say.

"I'm thirsty." Alyssa says in a small voice. I look down at her, feeling concerned.

"Let's get you some water." I say.

"You found water that you can actually drink?" Camille asks.

"Yeah. We got a spile from a sponsor last night. Like in the 75th Hunger Games, the only accessible water we can actually drink comes from inside the trees. But only certain trees. There are some trees that don't belong in this terrain. There are oak and pine trees mixed in with the jungle trees."

"Wow. I didn't know that." She says. Of course you didn't. I wouldn't expect her to know. All she probably can think about is my son. Hopefully, that will all end soon with an arrow through her neck.

"Camille and I will go get some water." Matthew says. I don't care if he goes to get some water, but I will not let her go with him.

"I have a water bottle we can store it in." Camille says.

"Perfect. Mom, hand me the spile." Matthew says.

Why can't he do this alone? He can just take the water bottle from Camille and get some water on his own. Camille doesn't need to go with him.

I sigh, not enjoying this, and hand over the spile to Matthew. He takes it and starts to walk into the forest. "Wait!" I shout.

He stops immediately and turns towards me. "What is it?"

I hesitate. I was gonna tell him to watch his back because Camille could sneak up and kill him, but I decide not to. That was a conversation I don't want to start. "Be careful. Anything can happen in there." I finally say.

"You know I will. Come on, Camille." Matthew says. Camille and Matthew walk into the forest, whispering to each other. I hope he kills her in there.

"Wait! I want to go too!" Alyssa suddenly shouts. She starts to run after them. I grab her arm before she enters the forest.

"You are staying here." I say.

"But I want to go with them." She says. Suddenly, she jerks her arm out of my grasp and runs into the forest. Before I go after her, a hand grabs my arm. I turn around and see Johanna is holding me back.

"What are you doing?! I have to go after her!" I shout.

"Why? What could go wrong?" She simply asks.

Is she serious? What could go wrong? I try my hardest not to explode with rage right here in this arena. "Everything. Everything could go wrong." I say.

I start to walk towards where my stuff is on the so-called "beach" when I hear a scream. A bloodcurdling scream that says one word.


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