Chapter 4

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Katniss's P.O.V

I turn off the kitchen sink. I have just finished cleaning the house as best as I could, but coal dust settles everywhere. Even when there is no one in this house that works in the coal mines, coal dust is everywhere. That is something that only happens in District 12.

I look out of the window that is above the kitchen sink. It looks so peaceful outside. It is the middle of January. There is a light snowfall coming down from the clouds.

Then, I see Peeta and the kids coming into the Victor's Village. I head towards the front door and open it. Alyssa comes running into the house.

"Take off your shoes!" I shout. Alyssa takes her shoes off by the door when Peeta and Matthew come in.

"Hey, baby." Peeta says.

"Hey. How was work in the bakery?" I ask.

"Good. I need to talk to you about something." He says.

"Just say it." I say. I am hanging up the three's coats in the coat closet.

"In private." Peeta says. I look at him with concern. He looks really sad.

"Kids, go to you rooms please. And no arguing." I order. The kids immediately get out of the room without saying a word. Then, I hear two doors close. "What's going on?"

"Something happened in the square today." He says.

"I heard something come from the square when I was with Gale. What happened?"

"That means you heard the firing squad."

"Yeah. Who was it?"

Peeta hesitates. "You are not going to like this."

"Who was it?" I ask again, getting agitated. Why won't he tell me?

"It was Greasy Sae. I don't know what she did to deserve it, but she is dead. I am really sorry to have to tell you this."

I look at Peeta with sadness and shock. She was one of the few people who helped me live when my father died. She was a friend.

"Oh my God." I whisper.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to do something for you?" He asks.

"No, thank you. I just want to relax and get ready for the quarter quell announcement tonight." I say. I go to living room and sit down on the couch.

Peeta comes into the living room and sits down next to me. I snuggle up next to him and he wraps his arms around me. We stay like this for a long time.


It is finally 7:00 p.m. Time for the quarter quell announcement. The kids are now in the living room talking about what they think will happen.

"I think it will be only boys this year." Alyssa says.

"They can't do that. Maybe it will be ten to twelve year old girls." Matthew says.

"That can't happen. Ten year olds can't enter the arena." Alyssa states.

"You're wrong. And so am I. They only want one ten year old kid and that's you." He says.

"Hey!" Alyssa shouts.

"Kids, be nice to each other." I say.

"He started it." Alyssa says, pointing her index finger at Matthew.

"Shhhhh. It's starting." Matthew says. We all focus our attention on the TV. We see Caesar Flickerman come onto the screen.

"Ladies and gentleman! This is a special year everyone! It is the hundredth Hunger Games!" Caesar exclaims. A roar of applause starts after he says this.

"Coming to you live from the Capitol, President Fire!" Caesar announces. The scenery on the TV changes to President Fire in front of the Capitol Building.

"Welcome, everyone, to the fourth quarter quell! Tonight, I will be announcing what will happen for this year's Hunger Games!" President Fire announces. "Now, this year's games is going to be different. It will really heat up the competition."

Everyone at the Capitol starts to laugh at his little joke. I don't find it funny. I am just anxious to what this year's games will be.

"Instead of opening up a little envelope with what this year's games should be, I have already decided what it should be. And here it is." He says. He is holding a slip of paper in his right hand.

"This year's Hunger Games shall be..." President Fire opens the slip of paper. "This year's Hunger Games will ne this. Families with at least one victor in it shall be reaped."

No way. "For people who don't get it. If there is a victor, he/she will be reaped along with their family. Up to four members, including the victor, will be in this year's games."

I look at Peeta and he looks at me. We and our kids are going to be in this year's Hunger Games.

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

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