Chapter 18

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Alyssa's P.O.V

Once I get into my room, I don't go to bed. I am too awake to sleep. I want to party! But my parents would be mad if I made to much noise.

I explore my room. I find a panel of buttons by a wall. I push one and it changes the scenery on a wall. Right now, it is a field. I touch another button and it turns into a desert. I giggle. I love touching buttons.

I touch another one and it shows a forest. I touch another button and the wall goes back to normal. So I known what that does.

I see a remote by my bedside table. I pick it up and push a button. A TV appears on the opposite side of the room. If you're too lazy to get up and watch TV, this is the perfect thing to use!

There is a button with a microphone on it. I push it.
"Say a command." It says. Say a command, eh?

"Past Hunger Games." I say. The TV turns on and shows me a list of all the Hunger Games there have ever been. Right now, it is showing Hunger Games 1-10. I scroll down and see my mom and dad's games.

I change into a pink nightgown and climb into my bed. I put a couple pillows behind me to support my back. Time for a Hunger Games binge.

I click on my parents Hunger Games, turn off the lights, and get ready to watch some games. This should help prepare me for what will soon come.

It shows the Reaping. My mom volunteered to save her sister? That's so sweet! Then, my dad is called up. Love at first sight. I can tell!

It goes straight to the Opening Ceremonies. My mom and dad look amazing in their costumes. They look better than they did tonight. Probably because now they are old.

Then comes the training scores. My mom got an eleven?! That's so cool!

The show went on. I started to cry when Rue died. She was so young!

When I get to the part when my mom and dad both take nightlock berries and then spit them out when the announcer tells them to stop, I can feel the love in the air!

Finally, the games are over. The TV takes me back to the list of Hunger Games and I go on to the next games. The third quarter quell.

While I am watching this game, I notice how smart this guy named Beetee is. I also started to cry when Mags and Wiress died. Then, the games ended with a black screen. I know what happened.

My mom shot an arrow at the top force field when lightning struck this one tree at midnight. The arrow was connected to this wire that was surrounded on the tree. There were a lot of winners that year. I wonder what will happen this year.

I look at the time and it is almost 1:00 a.m. I'll watch one more Hunger Games. I Undecided to watch my brother's new lover's game.

I am scarred for life. My brother is in love with a psychopath! She cut out a girl's heart. Now I know why Mommy didn't want new watching this Hunger Games. It's really bloody. I won't be able to sleep for weeks. If I have weeks.

I turn off the TV and set the remote on the bedside table. I remove the pillows from my back and lay down. My mind keeps going to that game.

She's going to kill me like she did with the other tributes from her games! She even killed her true love! Who does that?!

I toss and turn but can't fall asleep. My mind won't shut up! Shut up, mind! Nope, didn't work.

I look at the time and it is almost 4:00 a.m. I got to get some sleep.

Finally, sleep comes after waiting a long time.

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