Chapter 11

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Katniss's P.O.V

I look at myself in the full length mirror. I am wearing a full length red dress. The skirt is full, but simple. My hair is up in a bun, but it is full of curls. My eyes look dark because of the eye makeup. The eye makeup is all dark and my lips are red.

I think back Cinna's outfits that he created. They were so beautiful. Today, I will be on fire, just like the last two times.

I hear a knock on the door and hear someone come in. I turn around and see Peeta. "Are you suppose to be here?" I teasingly ask him.

"I can come in here if I want. If they won't let me see my wife, then I don't know what I can do." He says. I laugh.

"You look really handsome." I say. He is wearing black pants and a black, sleeveless shirt.

"I don't look as good as you. You look beautiful." He says. I blush.

"Do you know if we can go downstairs yet?" I ask.

"I don't see why not."

The elevator stops at the bottom floor and the doors slide open. Peeta and I walk out of the elevator and head towards our chariot.

There are two chariots for each district. Probably because there are so many tributes this year.

Peeta and I arrive at District 12's two chariots. Both are pulled by coal black horses.

"And we meet again." I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn around and see Finnick walking towards us.

"Finnick!" I call. "It's been too long."

"Too bad we meet at a bad time." He says. He gives me a hug and gives Peeta one of those pats on the back hug.

"I hope we are still allies." Finnick says.

"I was hoping so too." Peeta says.

"Is Annie going to join our alliance?" I ask.

"I would say yes." He says. "What about your kids? Are they going to join?"

"I would guess so." I say. "Speaking of kids."

I see Alyssa come towards our chariots. She looks absolutely beautiful. She is dressed just like me except for the hair. Her hair is just curled.

"Hi, Mom!" She exclaims.

"Hi, sweetie. How do you like the Capitol?" I ask.

"It's amazing! My stylist is named Cat and she has pink hair!" She says excitedly.

"Cat is also my stylist." I say.

"And who is this?" Finnick asks.

"I'm Alyssa." Alyssa says. She is not afraid to talk to strangers, that's for sure.

"Hello, Alyssa. I'm Finnick." Finnick introduces himself. "Are you going to stay with your parents during the games?"

"Yes, I am. I don't think I am brave enough to stay in the arena by myself." She answers.

"We got half of an answer. Just need to ask your other kid." Finnick says.

"I think he will stay with us." Peeta says.

"Ask who what?" Says Matthew. He came to the chariots I don't know when.

"If you wanted to stay with us during the games." Peeta says.

"Yeah, I'll stay with you guys." He says.

"Finnick, have you seen the kids?" Someone asks. I immediately find out that it is Annie.

"They must still be getting ready." Finnick says.

"Katniss! Peeta! It's so good to see you again." Annie says while giving each of us a hug.

"It's good to see you too." I say.

"Well, look who is all here." Says another voice. Johanna Mason. "I thought the last games was going to be the last."

"I think we all did." Peeta says.

"Oh, Finnick. Your son is down here. He is over by District 1." Johanna says. "Don't know why. Just wanted you to know."

I look over at District 1 and see a boy who looks just like Finnick. Same sandy hair and bone structure.

Finnick's son then starts to walk over here.

"Trying to team up with the Careers?" Finnick asks when his son gets into earshot range.

"No. I just know who they are." He says.

"Everyone, this is my son, Jet." Finnick says.

"Hello, everyone. Is it okay if I joined your little alliance?" He asks.

"How did you know?" Alyssa asks.

"I could tell." Jet says.

"That's is totally fine." I say. "This is turning into a large group."

"Imagine the Career group. You have nine people in that group." Jet says.

"But there are only eight Careers over there." Peeta states. I count them in my head and he is right. There is only eight.

"My sister wants to join them." Jet says.

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