Chapter 33

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Matthew's P.O.V

I can't believe it. My mom dislikes Camille? Why didn't she tell me this before now? I may never know.

I sit down on my bed and look around the room. I can't believe that in a couple days, I will be in the arena. I will be fighting and killing other tributes. When will I die in the arena? Will I die in the arena?

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout.

Alyssa comes into my bedroom. She is closes the door and walks over to the bed next to me. "Did you hear Mom and Dad?" She asks.

"Yeah. Pretty sure everyone on this floor heard them."

She sighs and lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap an arm around her. This is the first time she has done this to me. Usually, she is telling me to get away from her. 

We stay like this for I don't know how long. Then, she looks me in the eyes. "I'm scared."

"About the games?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah. I thought I was going to like being the games. But everyday, I get really nervous. I don't want to die." She starts to cry a little.

"Everything will be okay. Don't worry." I tell her.

Then, we hear Effie call us down for dinner. She jumps up from the bed and quickly wipes her eyes. "If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you in the arena."

"Sure you will." We both leave the room and go into the dining room. Everyone is there. They are talking about something. Haymitch hasn't informed Alyssa and me more about the games. I want as much information as possible.

Once dinner is done, we head into the sitting room. Everyone watches the training scores. Camille got a twelve. What the hell? That's not good.

Finally, it is my family's turn for the scores. "Alyssa Mellark, with a score of nine." 

We all tell Alyssa that this is a very good score. She blushes and looks at the screen. "Katniss Mellerk, with a score of ten."

We all tell her that she did really good. Then, it's my turn. "Matthew Mellark, with a score of twelve."

Everyone looks at me. I look down, feeling the heat on my face. I hear my dad getting the score of nine. No one has said a word since my score was announced. I look up and realize that everyone is looking at me. 

"What. Did. You. Do?" My mom slowly asks.

"I killed the Head Gamemaker." I say slowly.

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