Chapter 14

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President Fire's P.O.V

"Five minutes till we begin." Marcia announces. I am sitting in my chair with Marcia sitting in the chair on my left and Marcus on the right.

"Good. I can't wait to see this year's tributes. The Reaping didn't show how tough they really are." I say.

"Or maybe they aren't tough at all." Marcus says.

"We got some pretty tough tributes. You got Katniss and Peeta Mellark from District 12. Johanna Mason from District 7. The whole family from District 4. And the families from districts 1 and 2. But that is usually normal."

"This year's arena is going to tear families apart." Marcus says.

"I hope so. That will make more drama. And more drama means better ratings." I say. "You sure that this arena will be the best one in Hunger Games history?"

"Oh, yes I do. If not, I don't know what else to do." Marcus says.

"President Fire, we have one minute left." Marcia tells me. "Do you have your speech ready."

"Yes, I do." I say. "Can I talk to you after the Opening Ceremonies in private?"

"Of course, sir." She says. "The parade starts in three, two, one."

Just when she says one, the anthem starts to play. The chariots start to roll out. All the costumes don't impress me in the least. They have all been done. Then, something catches my eye.

At the end of the procession line, there is fire. On people. People wearing fire. Not impressed in the least. Just a ripoff of that one stylist.

I continue to watch the procession. Finally, they reach the center. So many people.

"President Fire, time to make your speech." Marcia says. I clear my throat and walk up to the podium. I wait till all the chariots are in front of me. Then, I start the speech.

"Welcome, tributes. This year, you all have been chosen to be in the special 100th Hunger Games. Congratulations. But all good things come to a price. Only one of you will make it out alive. So Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

Eruptions of applause starts up and the anthem plays again. I get down from the podium and walk towards Marcia. "Follow me." I whisper to her.

I walk into the building and head towards my office. I hear her heels click on the hardwood floor. The guards by the double doors opens them. Marcia and I enter my office.

Once the doors are closed, I turn around and gently take Marcia's face into my hands. I kiss her gently at first, then with more aggression.

She moans and tangles her fingers into my hair. I move my hands down to her waist. She pulls back, breathing heavily.

"I didn't think that this would work. But you made it." She says.

"I know. I remember after Marcus came to discuss the games, I told him to tell you to come to my office." I say.

"I thought I was in trouble. But when you declared your love to me, I was flattered. But also shocked. What would people think if they knew about us?"

"I don't know. But I don't care at the moment." I say. I kiss her again. She kisses me back and we start right back where we left off.

She wraps her legs around my waist and I take her to my desk. I set her down on the desk and I shove everything else off of it.

I lay her down on the desk and kiss her some more.

Being president isn't all bad.

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