Chapter 24

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Katniss's P.O.V

Today has been tiring. First, you have the training. Then, I had to deal with Alyssa's attitude. And finally, I have Matthew falling in love with the lethal killer. And I don't want that.

He deserves so much better than that. Out of all the girls he has met, she has to be the one. Hopefully, she won't live to the end. I'll make sure of it. No one will hurt my family.

That may seem harsh, but it's true. I want everything to be perfect for my son and daughter. Ever since we got reaped in the Reaping, things have been changing. All these years I have thought the arena changes you. I think it's the preparation to go to the arena that changes you. You let all your nerves get to you and it all just bursts like a bubble full of emotion.

Once my family and I are at out floor in the training center, I got to my room. I've had enough of today.

Once in my room, I lay down on the bed. I just want to be alone. Thankfully, Peeta is with the kids. And another thing. How can he let Matthew date the lethal killer? Just how?

Too soon. It's time for dinner too soon. I slowly get up from the bed and go to the dining room. I don't listen to the conversation. I just keep to my thoughts. Which may not be a good thing.

"Katniss?" Peeta calls my name. I look at him, confused.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I said, what's wrong? You're not acting like you usually do." He says.

I just shrug my shoulders and come up with a lie. "I am just tired from today, that's all."

They rest of the table continues with their conversation, except for Peeta. He just looks at me. He knows I lied. I wasn't always a good liar.

With that in mind, I get up from the table and go back to my room. I hear people call my name, but ignore them. I want to be alone.

I go back to the bed and lie down. My peacefulness doesn't long though. Peeta walks into the room and sits down next to me. "What's going on? And tell the truth." He demands.

"Close the door first. I don't want people downstairs to hear." I command. Peeta immediately gets up and closes the door. Then, he sits back down next to me.

"Now, tell me." He commands.

"I don't like her." I blurt out.


"Who do you think? The lethal killer! I'm afraid she will turn on my family and kill us all!" I say.

"She won't turn her back against us."

"You don't know that. That girl said that she has plans. What if one of those plans was to kill us off? Maybe she will kill her own family." I wonder.

"Katniss, stop being so paranoid. And she has a name." Peeta orders.

"I know." I simply say.

"Then, use it."

"Why should I? It's just a name. But something is up with that girl. And I will find out."

Peeta sighs and gets up from the bed. I watch him as he runs his hands through his hair. "Just give her a chance. I bet the only reason you don't like her is because of how she won her Hunger Games."

"It's not that." I lie. He's right, like always.

"Fine. Believe what you want. Let me know when you trust her." Peeta says. And with that, he opens the door and walks out of the room.

That's when my mind starts coming up with a plan. A plan to save Matthew from falling anymore in love with her.

And the end of this plan is her blood spilled all over the arena's ground with her cannon going off.

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