Chapter 62

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Camille's P.O.V

"Please don't hurt each other." Mom says. She then lays down and goes to sleep. I stare at the Cornucopia, listening to the sound of "rain." I know it is blood.

"I really meant to try to protect you." Jet says.

"I don't want to talk about this." I say quietly.

"Well, I do." He says.

I turn around and look him in the eyes. "I just got stung multiple times by tracker jackers today. I had a crazy dream that will definitely become a nightmare. I have had a very long day. I don't need to hear you explain about how you were trying to protect me. Because honestly, I don't see it." I rant.

"I was gonna do what I know you did the other night. You killed off the three tributes that were with you."

I look away from him and sigh. "I wish I didn't, to be honest. The only one I wish I had killed was Jem. Serena, Martin, and Sparkle were my friends, in a way. Jem never was and never will be."

"I wish I killed him. He is just like his father. Arrogant, lazy, but a fighter." Jet says.

"What do you think will happen at the end of the games? Who do you think will win?" I ask abruptly.

Jet is quiet for a few seconds and sighs. "I don't know." He says in a quiet voice. "I just don't know."

"Do you think you can win this?" I ask him.

"Do you?" He asks me.

"Maybe a little. But I know that I will come back home to no family. If I won, you all would be gone." I say sadly.

"Yeah. Honestly, I don't see myself winning the games. I am basically putting off my designated death. Sometimes I wish that I would just get it done and over with. No need to worry about how I would die or how slow the death will be."

I nod my head. "I understand. But I think you can win this."

He chuckles. "Sure. In your world."

I roll my eyes and stare off. Then, a cannon goes off. I jump at the sudden noise. I look around and see Jet's face is grim. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

"They found another victim. The Careers." He says.

I look away from him and down at my hands. I can just imagine all the blood from past tributes I have killed myself. Both from this arena and my first.

Suddenly, I realize something. "I don't want to win this." I say.

"Why would you say that? You still have a lot of years left in you. You haven't lived yet." Jet says.

"I know. And I don't deserve it. All the people I have killed. They had a lot of years left in them too. They should be the ones living. Everyone in all of Panem should be living. Not dying from some stupid game. And for what? Eternal glory, luxury, and fame? It's not worth it that you have to kill people to get all of that." I ramble.

"I agree with you. But what can we do? The Capitol won't care. All they care about is the last tribute, winning the deadly games." Jet says.

"What if there wasn't a victor? What if someone decided to kill themselves before they were taken out of the arena? Could that happen?"

"Of course that can happen. It has just not happened. And you should know this. There are no victors in the Hunger Games. Everyone who has survived the games knows this."

I look up at the moon. "This is hell." I finally say after a couple minutes of silence.

"It sure is." He says. He puts an arm around my shoulders. I lean my head against him, closing my eyes.

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