October 3rd 2013

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so today..... it was amazing well as amazing as shitty can get....

so it was half decent other than the fact that i fogot my binder full of all of my work at home and my parents couldent bring it to school for me.....and that was just the start by the way it was picture day and i had nothing to wear

but ya know thats okay everything happens for a reason i just wish that i knew why..... like the worst part of the da ywas practically when i posted a picture on instagram and than after a bit i went to see who liked it and the guy  i like dident like it but he liked lots of other girls photos...... and ya know like i really like him but im not too sure he likes me back and like i just really really like him but im just really bad at things like looking atractive and being social or giving hints that i like a guy....just honestly its just aoying like i swear no guys like me and its so terable.... and just urghhhhh!!!!! i hate it and now im talking to narsh on facetie as i do this..... and kim and her arnt getting along and i just dont know i want everything to be just fine for the dance.. and i just urghhhh!!!!! i miss my red hair and home and just everything like good old times....

i just wish everything could be just fine.... i went back and looked at all of my old videos and photos and my god i miss my red hair so freaking much!!!!!!

well i dont really know what to say anymore ill get back to u in a bit

pece watermellon <3

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