March 12th 2013

38 0 0

Fuck it's 2013 not 2012 lol well that's it for swearing im cutting off and I don't swear in real life just writing ... So friend and first gurl I met r in huge fight I don't see the point why theirs need to hate just except that everyone is different and no one is purfect... So um yeah I had dance the teacher was a hiphop student sr. student amazing at hiphop ... So idk comp next week really nervous and all so I really don't think I'm going back to that studio my mom don't want me to so imma try to dance on the xfactor I have all year to get them to notice me! So umm today was one of my better in some not so good in some... So first off I dident get in treble in foods and fashions! Score for me! Lol so a guy in my class said my shoes made me look tall than repeated it when we wert in the middle of class so in the time between it gave me time to think what I would have said and luckily he repeated so I came up with is that good and he said yes so I said thanks it kicked in that it was a compliment so really it boosted me up to know ppl don't think my just a major fail to life I did something right with the shoes... So I'm yeah also he told his friend the shoes made me tall and the friend thought I was always that tall? Lol I only grew about 4 inches no biggie eh? Lol so yeah in gym I was wearing my brothers shirt like always! And a boy in my class was wearing the same shirt it was awkz he even said it was awkz but idiot knew I wear it every gym class... Also as we where rotating courts a fried and I quiff kid walked threw and tree again as we where the only 2 awkwardly walking in the middle of gym as everyone else was playing badminton -.- as if its not awkward to stare at my class the whole time u walk threw as u could have gone around ,..ppl now a days the just bug me so um yeah my day kinda backwards ...I think I'm gonna go to and my work out my fat....😔 I'm so fat compared to ppl in dance and only wearing an ugly crop top that come up to my neck making it ugly doesn't help it better be gone by summer! I will work for it... But not tonight...



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