November 4th 2012

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I got home to my parents fighting this morning,I went to my room and had to clean it. I cleaned most of it than I got bord and lazy of cleaning I hate it.I went down stairs my dad was alone on the couch the fighting was too much for mom so she took Steve for a car ride to god knows where.hey Stacey how's about you get me a drink dad said. Beer? I replied sure he said I knew he needed one. I ran up and got him a beer and my self a tiny pack of skittles and a bowl of sweet chilly heat deritos. Those are y fav chips atm. I sat down everyone knew today was the day dad was going to watch all of the alien movies ya know from aliens vs predators ya well the 5 movie series of aliens. After my skittles and chips I fell asleep I nap everyday on the couch I love to sleep its like I can never have enough even if I sleep for 3 days strate! (never gonna happen cuz dad shoves things up my nose till I wake up) they don't like me sleeping on the couch but that seems to be the only place I can get real sleep.I unpleasantly woke up to my mother saying I can't just sleep on the couch everyday well it's kinda sad that I'm 13 and am starting to take naps everyday but in the summer the earliest I went to bed was 4am I was up on vid chat all night under the covers watching funny YouTube videos or OneDirection like always, while on vidchat me typing her talking threw my earbuds it was fun before I came out here. But now it seems I'm getting my sleep back. I woke up and my ear was wet I touched it it was wet, 5 min later when I got told once again to wake up I touched my war and it was wet I looked at my wet finger that had touched my ear with and it was red blood it was on the inside of my ear the top inside of my industrial piercing / industrial bar. I had only got it about 2 months ago. I hoped up to go to a mirror I got woozy and had to find a wall I stood up to quick I cough my balance ad walked to the downstairs washroom and looked up my war yep it was bleeding.... I grabbed a flash light and handed it to my dad asking him to look at it I can't see it very good myself. Yep it's bleeding he said. I walked up stairs and cleaned it out with a q-tip with hot water on it than used my piercing cleaner.I ran down stairs daddy can I re-dye my tips? As in tips of my hair I've had them done 2 times once by my old hair dresser and once with kool-aid. I was going to due it with kool-aid when I got a txt from my nabor she was home alone I texted her back to come over and help me she dyes her hair a lot. She brought over some blue and pink dye, I dyed her hair with kool-aid purple,red and orange and my fingers got dyed too -.-she dyed my tips fuschia shock the pink one it looks so great and I convinced Steve to get a little dark blue streak in the back of his head u can't notice but I still know its there now my hands look ugly and colourful.

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