January 7th 2013

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So today was the first day back from break so let's start at the very beginning of the day...so I guess I didn't get to sleep till 2am so yeah I woke up and got dressed from under the blankets it's really freaking cold!so I quickly put on a sweater over top of my outfit, I wiped my face with a baby wipe and started on my makeup I'm kinda pissed cuz I bout a concealer and it was pricy but its too dark for me! -.- Fml.. So for concealer I used eyeshadow base in a skin tone colour so yeah it worked than aplyed my foundation, setting powder,eyeliner ,mascara and lipstick in a bright neon pink to compliment my deep red hair... I left my hair dead strate I brushed my teeth and re-applied my lipstick. Our nabor came to the door I rammed my red high tops into my bag and ran out the door, my brother took some time I hate how the nabor has to wait for us and its Steve! So when I got to school like 10 ppl in my grade had dyed there hair red -.- really? What the hell my new year new look isn't so out there -.- but I did get lots of compliments ❤ so my art I finally finished my freaking gator! There are new kids in the art class twin boys one I know is in my class I'm not offending them in any way but there leggit little ppl like short... Not my type -.- so... Imma be single! For a long freaking time -.- so math and science omg cuz the 3rd new kid gets so many privileges we get to play the name game so yeah it was very funny lol so one girl very out going, (we had to say something that happened on our holidays) she said over the holidays she met a cute boy. And a cocky kid from the other side of the room said but I knew you before holidays! Omg! Made my day even the teacher laughed and that teacher is so serious ...my turn came ... What the hell do I say.... I'm Stacey and I got a new piercing😃 where the girl who met the cute boy on holidays said , oh wait...I take that back she added laughing.... The class laughed along I did too, a kid from the front said she's only 13 to the girl accadently making a joke.... The teacher said would u like to share where u got ur piercing? So I said my bottom belly. I bet half the kid dident understand... My under belly lol wtf... Oh well... So at lunch I kinda ditched the new girl feeling bad but I did ... At break outside too... Felt bad but I wasn't where I wanted to be I wanted to hang with her... Next class..... Te teacher was handing out tests and assignments... So and so, so and so , so and so , Stacey and Stephen that sounds to awkward from a teacher cuz Steve's real name is Stephen so my first reaction was Ahaha Steve and I got In truble we always caused truble back in the day. But than I remembered there's a Steven in my class -.- so we learned about heros -.- just talked but ya know I'm so sleep deprived I stared to giggle in the middle of class for no reason lol me holding my breathing trying not to make a peep.. I bet my face was red and it looked like I was gonna explode or die or something when I got strange looks it got worse so I swallowed the air and giggles trying not to think of anything funny. It worked thank god! Next class we read our own book the whole time -.- next was gym 😃 so I'm happy jittery my hands still shake before class and voice goes jittery when I talk in or before class... So I got changed and sat at the front end of the line like always I remembered we got a new gym teacher -.- fml who's gonna change my piercing now lolololol I saw her and sat like normal I tied my hair in a pony on the top of my head it was different I usually do a messyish bun on the top of my head. Se says to go in our spots I know I don't belong here but this is where I've always been... So screw her she can live with an exception lol. Nope I'm put beside this awkward popular boy that I played basketball with -.- and this other random boy -.- fml now I'm like exactly across from quiff less quiff kid .. I looked at him, his hair just keeps getting worse and worse! Maybe ill get over my little faise of him hopefully!! But I need one to replace my faise.... Who?! No one here is my type! Grrr! So we finally finish attendance after all the other classes have been waiting for gawd Daym ever! For our class! So the teachers talking about change rooms and than dress code we need to wear a cru neck or however the hell u spell it, once she's done and we get up to start class I go to a friend "what the fucks a cru neck?" I asked " the kind of. Shirt the goes rlly close to your neck and is a tshirt" what the hello I don't own any of those! I'm flipping by now walking up the stairs well u can wear a sweater she replied back😃 okay I said with a sigh I will sweat and die! Urg! Okay so we got to the weight room yep cuz this anorixic bitch is a weight lifter! -.- ppl will be lifting twice my weight!!!! Class over my friend asks me to wait for her so I do as the halls empty ... I finally get outside to buses driving away I see my nabors friend..I run to see her , did all the buses leave? Yepp! I missed my bus I'm cussing out under my breath . Well my dad can drive u or h could walk but I don't sagest that.. Omg thank you thank you thank you I say as quiff kid walks past us we shut up as he bumps into a girl on purpose, like joking way than he says something...omg his voice u wouldn't expect that voice come outta him... 0.0 awks so yeah .. Her dad shows up I say thank you like all the way home, we got to my house as I said thank you one last time and ran to my door I've been waiting to get home all day because one direction kiss you music vid came out today I ran to my room opened my laptop and punched in kiss you official music video on YouTube , I clicked on one and it was it! I squealed giggles drawled and all I eappped and ran down to Steve squealing hopping sloping running and jumping all the way there to fangurl so badly it was terable screaming hopping eapppping 😃😃😃😃😃😭😃😃😃😃😭😭😃😃😃😃😃 yeah so nabor came over and I showed her the music vid age filmed a lot to post to YouTube I'm subscribed to her but I'm thewinkiepie look me up some of my vids will pop up like industrial piercing review but it might say by sweetiepiestaynor so yeah ...... Go cheack it out she's like blingy .....I forget but blingy something .... I re dyed my hair nabors under bangs too ... Now I'm here writing alone in my bed lol...im gonna go watch kiss u till I pass out so yeah



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