I fucking hate you!

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In tear with no fears

Only regrets and in taken shots

Running ahead from all oppertunitys

I fucking hate u all

Here is nothing


Fucking nothing

Oh yea so many oppertunitys but is it worth it if there all complete shit ?

The separation from here and hell is the door my back is posted up against.

Screams from the other side

Face drenched having to know I have to go back.

Ur nothing

Your shit

No one cares

Get out

Learn shit


Don't get up

Make mistakes

You can't hide

It's not worth it

U little shit

Get skinny

Why can't u be normal

Nobody likes u

Cake face


I actually wish I wasn't shy

Or scared

Or unsocial

I try dad

I try mom

I can't help it

I'm sorry I hate it

I'm sorry it shit

I'm sorry I have no friends

I'm sorry I'm always home

I'm sorry I'm never home

I'm sorry I've lost all hope I'm u

I'm sorry I wanna move

I'm sorry I lie

I'm sorry I'm grumpy

I'm sorry I'm mad or pissed

I'm sorry I don't sleep

I'm sorry I hate everything

I'm sorry I have no life

I'm sorry ur disappointed

I'm sorry I'm not worthy to be with u

I'm sorry I'm a discarse

I'm sorry I hate everything here

It's all shit nothing's better than when what u got is shit and makes u miserable

I know I won't get anywhere

Sorry I made u pay all that when u know I'm gonna fail u just told me.....

I'm sorry I wanna run away and never come back

I'm sorry my face is wet

I'm sorry I'm locked in

I'm sorry your locked out

I don't want food

I want to be loved

I want to be happy

I wanna go home

I hate it there's nothing I've lost my one love in life and it kills me to not want it back!

It's dead

Y love have been discontinued

I wish it could get better soon

Or it could go back to normal

Not a care.

But I care

I still care

I can't help it


And there's no turning back this is it

I'm done with this shit

Just understand ill never be happy again

Never to my fullest without my love or home I wish this could be a home and not just a house

I wish for the worm pleasant smell of home

The cold air and wind to walk into a maple candle smell.

Without a care pulling out any food

No diet

Only dance

No running

Only track

Nothing but good

No worries

Everything was fine !

Now it's not

I can't ask for help

It's not worth there time to know

Oh a little step into FUCKING REALITY you know what I fucking hate u reality

I wish there where fairys still

I wish for a bunny painted on my wall to talk to again

It was my true friend the only one to stay with me being a loner and a young fedus,

Thank you

For the time

You keep me sain

But only in reality I'm sain

In my world I'm dead

I'm dead inside

With the stench coming from my mouth bad breath and words Coming out releasing the dead inside

I fucking hate you all.

Love, That Lonely Fake Bitch❤

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